Guest claims injury

Level 1
Dallas, TX

Guest claims injury

I had a guest this weekend who is an insurance agent.  She left yesterday morning and I saw her getting into her car with her husband. I did not notice anything unusual about her movement.  She emailed me today and claimed that she fell down our stairs and broke her ribs.  She has not yet asked for any compensation for her injuries.  They returned to the apartment the night of their stay at 2:00 am after being out to a concert and had taken the wrong key, so woke us up by banging on the door of our house.  Our garage is detached, so they were not staying in the house.  The keys to the door that they were to use were in the apartment and I offered to go upstairs with them when they arrived to show them the ropes, but they declined and said they were fine.  I also had emailed her and asked her to let me know when they arrived so that I could greet them.  She did not let me know she was here and just went to the apartment.  I had also emailed her instructions on which door to use to access the apartment and that they keys were upstairs.  Needless to say, I am quite worried about her filing some kind of claim against us.  Has anyone had an experience like this?  I also noticed that her name is different on her Airbnb profile than on her Facebook profile.  

15 Replies 15

 Everyone, this happened over two years ago.  Thanks for the replies, but this is no longer an issue for me.