Guest does not reply on my messages for months

Level 1
Split, Croatia

Guest does not reply on my messages for months


Help center used to have option to choose Reservation and describe problem. I can't find that option any more. Guest who has reservation for day after tomorrow didn't reply on any message or e-mail since booking apartment, a few months ago!

He has reservation for day after tomorrow but since I don't have any information from him and can not get in touch, need help from Airbnb - to contact this guest, Benjamin Mac Erwale and notify him about obvious, lack of correspondence and communication.

Thank you advance.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

If guest doesn't appear you will still be paid. They get reminders from Airbnb. Don't worry about it, nothing you can do. Do not cancel. He will either show or not.

Level 10
Como, CO

I would assume a no show, one last contact, tell them what time you will be there and leave it.
