Guest's profile picture is no longer visible + Instant book cancellation

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Guest's profile picture is no longer visible + Instant book cancellation

I found out that guest's profile picture is no longer visible until you have a confirmed reservation (yes, even if you go to their profile). I understand that Airbnb wants to promote the anti-discrimination policy. However, they need to realize that we are not hotels. We share our house and open our house for our guests and our safety is important. I want to make sure that the person who makes the reservation is actually the one who is showing up on check-in day, etc. Also, host's profile picture IS visible to future guests at all times! I just made a reservation for my next trip and I was able to see my host's profile picture even before I made any reservation request/book the place/have a confirmed reservation.

I am also taking off instant booking feature from my listings as it does not really seem to matter other than giving problem because people do not read the listing in full, have a bad review yet still able to book, etc and when I want to cancel *unlimited* penalty-free as they say... it is not true, I can only do it for 3 times and after that I need to contact the customer service. Then they said "we will do a one-time corteousy to waive the penalty for this cancellation." No, it is not a one-time corteousy. This is how it supposed to be. Why do I need *permission* to cancel a guest who has negative review from his previous host? Why do I need to be pressured to open my house to anybody without thinking about my own safety?


I have been with Airbnb for 4+ years and it seems like they might share a different value now than what they used to have.

176 Replies 176

Hi @Kelly149 I hope you are doing well!


It used to be that way (if we want to spend time to go to their profile, then we will be able to see the name and profile picture). However, ABB made a recent change that we cannot see the guest's profile picture until the reservation is confirmed WHILE guest can see everything about us (hosts) even before they send a reservation request/inquiry.

@Farah Yes, well here. And I hope you as well. So, that was what I was wondering... this little experiment just hasn’t rolled to my side of the hill yet. Completely absurd that abb doesn’t even abide their own standards of how a profile should be compiled. Guests should have to have a real & complete profile, that hostsCAN SEE before they ask to come stay in our homes!
thanks for letting the rest of us be aware that this is coming




Welcome back @Farah0

We probability subconciously make decisions on 'probability of behavior', above anything else.  If you see a picture of a group of college-age kids, all holding drinks as in a party, well that is a warning, or should be. People with smiles makes us feel more comfortable than faces with a dour angry look. Etc,etc. The choice a guest makes of what picture to use, give us some clue of their mentality. As hosts, we are forever looking for clues, when we do not have anything else to go by, like a string of good reviews.


@Fred13 100% agree. Also, I need to say that my 'assumption' is not 100% random assumption/guess. With the experiences I have, I think that I am getting better and better in making decision on who should stay/should not stay with me or whether the guest will be a good fit or not. Now, if I cannot see a profile picture, etc... then it makes the process more difficult.


My point exactly @Farah1

ABB acts as if HOSTS are the only ones doing the "discriminating".

Level 2
Inglewood, CA

Below is their response to my inquiry regarding the availability, or lack there of, of profile pictures of potential guets.  

Although I kind of understand what they are trying to do, its still a ridiculous policy that I hope will change soon. 



@Elizabeth262 & @Farah1,

The problem with this "pilot?" (and I can GUARANTEE this will happen)... is that they will come away with the wrong results.


Result 1: More declines

AirBnB: Yes, people ARE being biased based on POC/good looks/female, etc. Let's permanently remove them to "save" our guests from bias.


Result 2: Less declines

AirBnB: Whee! We can cover our butts against eventual lawsuits! Let's permanently remove them!


Result 3: # of declines the same

AirBnB: See? No one cared! It doesn't matter. Let's permanently remove them!



@Elizabeth262 do you by any chance know/ask how long is this 'pilot' going to last and if they are really going to determine the result of this 'pilot' ?

@Farah I've asked and will let you know.  In the past they have usually responded to my inquiries about a day later.  Let me know if I can be of further assistance 🙂

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

"A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English language-idiom. It refers to the idea that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.

Found this interesting. It's an idle Sunday, still on my 2nd cup of coffee with nothing whatsoever to do.


I've had guest with no profile picture no reviews no verify identification make request the last few days it's an awful feeling. I use to give new users a shot with no reviews not anymore no way profile pictures are to important..Airbnb your taken years of my life with this change how could you treat SuperHost like this. It frightening not seeing who your communicating with and a terrible idea to upset host like this. This has nothing to do with discrimination this has to do with communication. Communications between two mature adults who are making arrangements to share a personal home. Everything was going so great and now it’s ruined. Sad how regulation could effect a person who’s trying to live a decent life in a world that become so complicated. I feel the day I’m able to charge what local hotels are charging over 200$ a night is the day you could tell me who and why I can’t have someone in my house but I never have a reason other than I’m not looking to be booked 30 days a month or be booked for weeks in advance. I truly enjoy communicating and meeting new people. I’m not looking to get rich with Airbnb don’t get me wrong the extra money helps a lot but this frightening feeling I've been getting makes me feel like I'm done with airbnb. It's becoming to complicated. I charge people as low as 50$ a night in the off season for there own entire space which is a gorgeous unit and they all love it. I consider Airbnb a privilege not a right if ur getting denied your obviously doing some thing wrong. Super host earned that badge for doing the right thing and now we’re being punished because of regulations. I tell new guest with no reviews once you stay is over and you earned a positive review from a super host on your account other host from around the planet will be completely comfortable excepting your future reservations. I truly feel Airbnb is review driving how else can we trust someone without reviews and communicating with them. The holidays are here put the profile pictures back as a gift to everyone. I called Airbnb yesterday and said what if the guy looks like Ms13 and he’s booked already now he has my personal information and after I cancel on him I will worry about retaliation. Airbnb is trying to make everyone happy guest and host and on top of it they have regulators breathing down there throat. This isn't a hotel you earn your place My advice would be focus on host and let guest earn there spot on this amazing travel accommodations network.

Level 10
Wilmington, DE

I submitted the no photo as an issue.  

I need alternatives to Airbnb I am not getting any inquiries. Sad

Airbnb is ruined. These regulations people need to change these outdated laws in today's society everything has a picture attached to it even uber and lyft. 

@Regina38 yup, I guess this is the clue for all of us not to put all of our eggs in one basket. 🙂

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Hi everyone!


@Jessica-and-Henry0 @Fred13 @Kelly @Jann3 @Kat, and more...

I am thinking to post this on the Host Voice page. I will need all of your support and also "thumbs up" to the post hoping that Airbnb will glance/see/listen to OUR VOICE. Please let me know if you have any suggestion/advice that I should add before I post it. 


@Lizzie , I hope you are doing well! I am not sure if you are aware of this thread. I want to tag you on this and hoping that you can help us communicate this to the team as this is a big issue for most of us. Looking forward to hear back from you!


