Guests always wanting to communicate outside the airbnb platform.....

Level 2
Brook Park, OH

Guests always wanting to communicate outside the airbnb platform.....

I am new to this.  Why would a guest want to communicate outside the platform, and what if they would like to come see the space before they book?  Just trying to protect myself from potential problems.  Thank you!

24 Replies 24

While I *might* consider moving outside of the AirBnB platform if a guest said they wanted to become a standard "renter/tenant" for at least a year, I otherwise recommend staying inside the platform for all short-term guests. For one thing, making deals on the side violates the agreement you have with AirBnB. Do you really want to be that kind of person? For another, AirBnB's various protections (security deposits, insurance, mediation) won't apply if you make side deals. I firmly believe that the kind of guest who asks this sort of thing is the kind of guest that will eventually burn you.


And when I said I'd consider a year-long tenancy outside AirBnB (at an appropriately high rate), that would only be because I would suspend my AirBnB listing and go back to a normal owner/tenant lease as I had for years before switching to AirBnB.


As long as we're using AirBnB, we'll operate inside their rules.

Level 2
Livingston Manor, NY

Don't do it!  Stay protected via Airbnb.  I too have had someone want to look at my place prior to booking. NO Way!  Protect yourself here especially, because Airbnb does not give your address until the person has been varified and have paid.  




Level 10
Chicago, IL



We tell guests that we do not allow guests to preview the apartment but that our pictures are very accurate and our almost 200 reviews back up that claim. We've had a few instances of people wanting to communicate outside of Airbnb. We've also had a few guests ask to work outside of Airbnb right on the Airbnb platform! We are very loyal to Airbnb and respond as such. Also, because it is a violation of Airbnb policy we flag their account so that out fellow hosts don't get the same requests.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm with all the comments made here so far.  I am sometimes asked if they can see the premises but I make it absolutely clear that their booking must go through Airbnb.  I'm in the centre of town and I have a lot of locals staying (with friends) for special occasions so I probably get more people than the average who are close enough to come along and see the space.  It is also normally a good way to break the ice with guests.  But don't let people try to work behind Airbnb's back.  You will only regret it when you are let down by someone not completing their booking or payment.  

Hey @Peter0 thanks for your contributions on this post so far. I am new to Airbnb and am not so sure about this as well: Is it ok if the guest books first - then head down to meet with me and view the place prior to their booked dates? I'm using moderate cancellation policy and the dates are far away.

Level 9
Washington, United States

HI all!  I have only had one person do this to me.  She kept pressuring me into stopping by and looking at the place ... this while I still had guests staying.  I told her the pix on my listing were exactly the same as what she would see in real life. 

Not a good idea to get out of the platform as you have no protection after you leave ABNB.  If that is your goal, then advertise on craigslist.  This platform is structured like it is for a reason. That percentage taken is taken for that backup.  I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

What exactly is the protection going through Airbnb provides?

We don't communicate with guests outside of the AirBnB process, however once they've confirmed we do send them an email with a PDF guide that provides trail maps etc. that we can't communicate using the messaging system.   It doesn't allow for attachments so we have to use standard email.  From there forward, we revert back to the messaging system.

Level 1
Jeffreys Bay, South Africa

This is our first booking on Airbnb, so we are still in the process of learning the do's and dont's.  Our guests want to extend their stay by one night.  Airbnb does not want to accept their reservation request because we have set minimum nights stay at 2.  We do not want to do business outside of Airbnb.  Would one have to change the minimum nights stay to 1?  It is very frustrating not being able to connect Airbnb telephonically.

Level 4
Metairie, LA

I disagree that everyone who wants to make contact and see the neighborhood or drive by the vacation home is up to no good.  I would never accept payment outside of Airbnb but I can understand how some guests may want to be sure of where they are staying.  If the date of the reservation is far enough away, I encourage a guest to make the reservation, which will give them more information on the location of the property.  And then if they don't like the area, they have time to cancel without being charged.  I've had older guests and guests from overseas who just want to see what the area is like before making a commitment.  It would be nice if there were a way to find middle ground.