Host wishes to cancel... they booked for a month, and after 6 days I feel uncomfortable at my home

Host wishes to cancel... they booked for a month, and after 6 days I feel uncomfortable at my home

Two guirls made a reservation for a month. Their plan is to stay at my place while they look for an apartment of their own. All good until here... But after 6 days one of the girls are having tough communication issues, that, very sadly, I don't think I will be able to work out... We have spoken about it already, very straight forward... even her friend is on my side regarding her "childness behaviour". This is causing me quite a lot of trouble in my daily routins and sleep time... and I'm super busy at the moment... So I'm thinking on cancelling their stay if this issue cannot be worked out.

As I said we already talked openly about it, but nothing seems  to have changed in this 26 year old girl mind. So I would like to know how to proceed if I decide to cancel their stay.


About me, I've been a host for 10 months now and didn't have any issue like that before, 4/5 star reviews and I'm actually quite proud on how I treat my guests... Advices? Suggestions?


Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply... if u do.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Como, CO

Have you talked to them about how they may be better suited staying somewhere else?


