Hosting In Greece and Tax Regulations

Level 1
Peristeri, Greece

Hosting In Greece and Tax Regulations

Hello fellow Greek hosts...


I would like to talk about how you deal with the new regulations about taxes in Greece.

I want to sleep peacefully at nights, and that would mean to regulate my taxes.


But everything is so conflicting in greece, and I find regulations to be somewhat ... vague to say the least.


Even accountants don't seem to have a clear picture as to HOW a host should regulate himself.


The so-called "badge" that every house in airbnb should get, is nowhere to be found (at least for the time beeing), and I still haven't found a way to declare my guests on


If anyone reads and has the same problem with me, or maybe has a good piece of advice, I would be more than grateful to hear from him/her.


Happy Hosting to all.

76 Replies 76

Are there any updates on what to do . I am new?


Hey Lorraine, there's a guide by Airbnb and PWC here: - or via this link (that also has a link to the Greek version):

Best, Simon

Hi there. I am new host any update since August 2018 on what to do?


Hi Lorraine,
There are not any serious changes from August 2018.What exactly you want to know? You can write also in Greek, or come to another discussion room "Διαδικασία ενοικίασης στην Ελλάδα" in Greek.

Level 2
Zürich, Switzerland

Hi all! I've seen there are quite some 'newbies', but no-one seems to have posted the tax guide that Airbnb has finally published together with PWC. It's quite good and answers most questions. Find it here: or via this link (that also has a link to the Greek version):

Best, Simon

Hello George 

My name is Dino

I am new at the platform 

I am not a company 

Would you know how many listings are allowed in Greece?

Thank you

Ηι Dino,
There is no any restriction in Greece till now.

Level 1
Belgrade, Serbia

Hi, I am a new one in Community and wonder how should I get the VAT number (ΑΦΜ) from my Greek guest, as I saw that he provided it to Airbnb, but it is hidden. I need it as I have to report my income with specification up to mid September. Thanks and good luck with hosting.

Hi Biljana,


You need to request a copy of the guests ID every time you check someone into your property.  For Greeks you also need their AFM.  Its standard procedure and is no issue for most Greeks.  You then need to report all of your guests, their airbnb earnings (and other platforms), their ID info into the Greek Taxisnet.  You will no doubt have an accountant how does your annual tax, and you can ask them to do this for you.  It is compulsory and there are very big fines for any hosts that dont comply.




Level 2
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa



What is the 90 day restriction that the Greek Government are proposing? Is that just for the islands or would that apply in Athens as well?


Surely Air B&B could not operate on only 90 days per year or do they add some sort of Tax after that period?


Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi Christine,


The short term rental regulations apply across the whole of Greece and while a 90 day limitation has been proposed it has not been made law as yet.  Taxes are uniformly applied on all earnings from short term rentals and an AMA permit number must be awarded to the property by the tax department for a property to be legally rented.


"The law provides for the possibility of a joint decision of the Ministers of Economy and Development, Finance and Tourism, which will define geographical areas, where restrictions on the short-term lease will apply as follows:

  1. Do not allow the short-term lease of more than two (2) properties per owner.
  2. The lease of each property shall not exceed 90 days per year and for islands of less than 10.000 inhabitants, 60 days per year. Exceedance of this duration is permitted if the total income of the owner, deriving from the short-term leases does not exceed 12,000€ in the relevant tax year.

It should be noted that no such ministerial decision has been issued so far."


You can read more here;


all the best


Hi Emma


Many thanks for the info.


Do the government have a time frame for this decision?


If they restricted the rentals to 90 days then the government would get less tax and B&B owners would have to keep the prices down so as not to exceed the Euro12,000 per year ...... 


It does not make much sense.


regards Christine  

We have a company ..that as the owner of the property register us online with the Greek Govt. as the operator...That means we can rent your property out the whole year, advertize it, checkin/out of the guests, do the cleaning etc. For that service we can agree on a percentage of the turnover/profits.




Level 2
Kalamaria Municipality, GR

As a private person you can only rent your property in Greece for 90 days a year or 12,500 Euros turnover. The property has to be registered with the AADA and the registration number has to be listed on your Airbnb profile

What is AADA ? Any changes for 2020?