Hosting In Greece and Tax Regulations

Level 1
Peristeri, Greece

Hosting In Greece and Tax Regulations

Hello fellow Greek hosts...


I would like to talk about how you deal with the new regulations about taxes in Greece.

I want to sleep peacefully at nights, and that would mean to regulate my taxes.


But everything is so conflicting in greece, and I find regulations to be somewhat ... vague to say the least.


Even accountants don't seem to have a clear picture as to HOW a host should regulate himself.


The so-called "badge" that every house in airbnb should get, is nowhere to be found (at least for the time beeing), and I still haven't found a way to declare my guests on


If anyone reads and has the same problem with me, or maybe has a good piece of advice, I would be more than grateful to hear from him/her.


Happy Hosting to all.

76 Replies 76
Level 2
Zürich, Switzerland

Hi everyone,

The registry is oben now, but it's only in Greek and I'm completely lost. Can anyone help? Has anyone registered yet? And how do you proceed if you don't have a guest's passport number etc. - which the registry apparently asks for.


Hi SImon,

In order to proceed in registration or any other action,like declaration of your guests,you must have a Greek Tax Identification Number (AΦΜ) + user name and password in the relative link of AADE( Independent Authority for Public Revenue).If you have it, you enter through "ΕΙΣΟΔΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ"  and then all pages are written both in english and greek.

Level 2
Athens, Greece

I just registered and got my AMA for my properties. I put everything in a cooperation no. I think it is not worth doing at for any private person any longer. I just declared the income of 2018. According to my CPA I also have to pay income on the commission I paid to Airbnb. And I cannot deduct any expense. This is ridicolous but there is no other way. We have to feed this nice people wasting our money. I would like to get th emoney back from Airbnb. But they are monopoliest... I will send them a letter. Anyone else had the same experience?

Level 10
Attica, Greece

Hello everyone!

I would like to inform the members-Greek speakers ,that if you type "διαδικασια ενοικιασης στην Ελλαδα" on the search button upper right, you can read a lot of interesting posts in Greek!

Level 2
Berlin, Germany

to rent out my holiday house in Crete I need to register some kind of entrepreneurship or it is possible as a individual rent our in AirBnB? then need to pay an income tax as an individual or how does it work? I am German citizen. thanks

As a home owner you no doubt have an AFM which is the Greek tax ID. You also need to register your property with the greek tax dept and get the holiday letting number called the Property Register Number (AMA) through the website of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.  You then need to do a tax return every year and pay tax on your property's earnings.  I have just recently moved to Tinos in the Cyclades and am setting up an Airbnb management company where we take care of everything for you, from Evaluation & Interior consulting, The perfect listing profile, Cross-platform marketing, Guests Communication, Welcome services, Pricing optimization, Housekeeping & Maintenance and we handle all the financial details and we pay immediately.  Would that be of interest to you?


I would like to rent everynow and then trough air b&b

but the greeck system seems very complex.

Can anyone tell me how one gets the energy certificate?

Trough the electric company Thei or a private  electrician?

What it is? Who delivers it? What is compulsory?

Does the house have to obey to any other norms?

Size of the rooms, hight of the rooms, or others ?

Thanks a lot for your help and answers


Hello could you call me * i d be interested


*[Personal information hidden for safety reasons–in line with the Community Center Guidelines - to use the Direct Messaging function here in the Community Center, hover over the post profile photo and click 'Send Message']

I would be interested 

Can you give me your phone number?

Mine is *


*[Personal information hidden for safety reasons–in line with the Community Center Guidelines - to use the Direct Messaging function here in the Community Center, hover over the post profile photo and click 'Send Message']

Hello, if I give my apartment to be managed by a company, on the online platform AADE what amount would be reported ? The gross amount paid by the guest on AirBNB or my net amount after deduction of AirBnB commission and the commission i give to the company for managing my appartment ? 

If this is the gross, can i , as an individual during the yearly tax return deduct the invoices from the company managing the appartment ? 

Hey there, nothing that is not refundable is deductable, no. Only a flat 5% for operating costs. Airbnb actually published a good guide together with PWC where you can read everything on short-letting taxes:

There's also this link on responsible hosting in Greece:

Best, Simon.

Level 2

WIll you guys increase your rates to accomodate the taxes?

Level 1

just signed up for hosting on air bnb and have guests arriving this summer, I have a tax number but have no idea how to register. Any help much appreciated!


Hi Karen, When you say you have a "tax number" you progably mean an AFM, which is the general tax number, much like a social security number in other countries and used for general ID purposes etc. etc. here. But for short-letting, you need an AMA number, which you have to display on your profile. You can register at gsis dot gr - under "myTAXISnet" on the right-hand side menu.

Regarding regulations, see here: and here:

Best, Simon.