House rules (no smoking) and collecting security deposit

Level 4
Montreal, Canada

House rules (no smoking) and collecting security deposit


I've just had my first bad experience with Airbnb (as a company). So far, these guys have been great.


I recently made a claim on a guest that violated my House Rules (no smoking). The smell was strong when I walked in (tobacco & marijuana), there were ashes on the counter, fabric sofa, small burn mark in the kitchen table and a glass with cigarette butts in it. I took pictures, made my claim to the guest. The guest did not respond and I involved Airbnb. They required (with strong deadlines, do or else) quotes from table repair and a cleaning service (remove smoke smell from furniture). Keep in mind that it's winter and the windows were never opened. They came back, rejected the claim and said "it was not fair to the guest to pay for this. The decision is final and cannot be overturned".


What is the point of the security deposit? Can damages be more than visual (ex. smell)? What rights do we have as host on the platform to protect us against disrespectful guests that violate clear rules prior to booking? Why bother having a security deposit (the higher the deposit, the less bookings) if everything is treated like the host guarantee?



30 Replies 30
Level 2
Glendale, AZ

An Ozone machine, usually used for mold remediation, works well ridding odors. Be careful because the room needs to be closed tightly with nothing living inside, since it kills everything - plants, pets, bedbugs, etc.  

Washing walls with vinegar usually works, and as someone else suggested, baking soda for carpeting.

I would have to decline from staying in a room that covered up the smell with something that smells worse, like Lysol or fake floral room fresheners.