How can I get a Super Strict 30 Days Cancellation policy for my property?

Level 1
Exuma, Bahamas

How can I get a Super Strict 30 Days Cancellation policy for my property?


My property is in The Exumas and is fairly remote. It is also fairly seasonal.

Getting there usually requiers a good amount of plannig and time.

We do not feel comfortable with the exisiting offer of 50% refund up until 1 week.

Someone canceling at one week is NOT enough time to get other bookings who could even reach our property on time. 

We would prefer the 30 day cancellation for our protection. How can we change that?

Please advise. 


Thank you 

38 Replies 38

@Jean-Louis19@Christine357  You would have to negotiate this with Airbnb.  As a general rule, a host has to have a good track record with Airbnb, have a very high nightly rate ($10,000 or more, but not always) and have serious seasonality (for example only able to rent during short periods of time).  

Contact Airbnb if you want to be considered.  Support would then refer you to the group that evaluates listings for this cancellation policy. 

Cheers and good luck!


What is the email for contact/support for airbnb - I can't seem to find it?




There isn't one.


Yes, finding that one out - they definately don't like to talk to us do they!

Level 10
Como, CO

The only way is to contact AirBnB and see if you qualify, I have come across one person who did manage it.

Level 2
Fordingbridge, United Kingdom

It is just as I thought, virtually impossible to qualify for the super strict 30 days cancellation policy.

The whole system is geared towards keeping the customers 'sweet' & making sure that Airbnb still get their commission/fees etc.  The host is the one who suffers.  

In my opinion, it is a pretty flawed business model.  


Difficult to argue about the Business model when it has made them so much money.

Level 10
Florence, OR

It is my understanding that multi-property owners and commercially managed properties listing on Airbnb are automatically entitled to the 'Super Strict 30' and 'Super Strict 60'. Part of how AIrbnb is reportedly attempting to entice such entities to list on the platform (they would like to be competitive in the vacation rental market, from what I understand').


Here's what I find ironic: The commercial listers in my area do very little business thus far with Airbnb yet have access to these policies immediately upon listing, along with other favorable terms that we 'regular' hosts do not have access to. I do a ton of business with Airbnb (100% Occupancy since opening) and yet do not have access to these special policies. I do not even know how to apply to be the recipient of these favorable terms. Yet another one of those things that doesn't seem quite right or fair, but then again, I am appreciative of the business I get from Airbnb and cancellations are rare - think I've had two out of over 100 guests cancel since opening, so I accept these less than favorable terms. Whereas, commercial enterprises listing on Airbnb would likely not ever accept the Cancellation terms we non-commercial hosts must work under, as it is simply bad business.

Here's what I can't figure out: When and why did traditional hosts (who were, until recently, the foundation of Airbnb's entire business) become the 'poor cousin' of the commercial property management firms who now list on Airbnb? Any long-time hosts know the answer to this? Because I'd really like to know.

Level 10
Templeton, CA

. I've seen plenty of non-commercial hosts with the Super Strict cancellation policy.  Some of which really surprised me.  Airbnb has to assign it since it is not a regular optoin in the booking settings.  


Go to this link and ask to be re-directed to an Airbnb agent who can make an evaluation.


From what you posted, though, it sounds like you really don't need it!