How do I deal with Guests breaking house rules

How do I deal with Guests breaking house rules



I could use some information or feedback about a guest that broke house rules. My problem right now is that airbnb won't give me the deposit. We rent out our whole house on the beach. One big house rule is No weddings/parties. One quest clearly had a wedding and I have lots of pictures to prove it. By having the big party they also made the plumbing flare up and there was literally crap in the shower and toilets because too many people where using the bathrooms and clogging everything up. One reason we say no parties. It cost about $1000 to call a plumber and a septic tank guy, plus cleaning up some elses crap in a shower and having to put things back were they belong. 


Anyway, if we have house rules and they get broken why doesn't airbnb compesate for that? I mean whats the point in having house rules or a contract if it does nothing? 



94 Replies 94
Level 2
San Diego, CA

WoW...we have a beach house and guests during 4th of July (during Covid-19) had a party, smoking pot, disabling the smoke alarm, took/used all my stored toilet paper/paper towels.....but I feel LUCKY after reading the wedding fiasco! I have always been grateful we only have a 2 bedroom, thinking how much can they push it, but we have a patio and apparently they can have throngs of people at the house, just not crashing there... I just HATE that these guests get away without a ding on their profile or become someone else's nightmare, My husband does not want the confrontation and grief (mind you for every breakage I've addressed with guests, they have always denied, explained away, defended, etc,,,NO ONE has ever stepped up and offered to pay for the damages, and we don't want to challenge them). Thank you so much for the app suggestion! We Do have a patio light with a camera that sends images to our phone (which we have disclosed on our listing) but we have never activated it because again, my husband thinks that's too creepy, invasive. I really intended it more for when the house is vacant as we have had items stolen off the patio several times.

Level 4

I’m so sorry it happened to you. I’m afraid damage deposit rules are meaningless and host guarantee is really not a guarantee - be prepared for literal war to obtain any compensation. 

Level 2
Fort William, United Kingdom

We had 4 guests book our place for 1 night.  We have an additional guest charge for more than 2 up to a max of 5.  The guests turned up with 6 people. The 4 met another 2 whilst out Mountain Biking.  I could see them on my Ring Pro Camera.  I called the guest to explain that he was breaking house rules and that under no circumstances were the extra 2 guests to stay in the property.  (It is  insured for a max of 5). He agreed and told me they would leave.  That evening they all went out and  when they came back, the first person put his hand over the camera to hide the fact that all 6 were returning to the flat.  In the morning all 6 exited the apartment.   I reported this to Airbnb and informed the guest that he had disregarded my instructions and broke the house rules.  I gave an honest review about the guest but said that he could not be trusted.  Needless to say, once he knew he had been reported he placed a bad review giving us only 1 star and complaining that we were using cameras to spy on him, stating how his human rights had been abused.  Absolute nonsense, we only use  the camera for  security and to make sure there are no issues with guests as they arrive.  This is a 1 star review where i have over 110 very positive reviews.  This  is the first bad review we have ever had and it is now the first review that guests see when booking.  I have asked Airbnb to take down his review as it is clearly  him just getting back at me for reporting him. Airbnb support have said to me that they won't take it down as it doesn't break their policy.  Absolute nonsense from Airbnb as they do not support hosts. 



I’m glad you identified this person as untrustworthy without using words like “liar and cheat.”


Actually his misleading review of you may serve to discourage similar contemptible trash. 

Anyone who is not planning to some sort of illicit activity is not going to be worried about your security cameras. They might even be glad to have them.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



I wholeheartedly agree.


Airbnb is pushing long term rentals but they are not doing anything to help hosts deal with the requirements or consequences.


CS agents probably don’t know what the policy is because there isn’t any.