How to review a "not so great"guest

Level 3
Guildford, United Kingdom

How to review a "not so great"guest

Hi, we are newish to hosting. So far our guests have all been great. We’ve had the usual, give us 5* for everything then a 4* overall trick that seems quite common, and one guest who wanted a rural village (which we are) to test the commute and then gave a 4 star rating for location! 


However, the guest that has left today has me in a bit of a quandary, so i’d appreciate a little input from you all.


She messaged me before booking as she was going to a birthday lunch at a venue located 5 mins walk from our house. She asked if she could smoke, I pointed out that our listing clearly states no smokers or vaping on the premises or grounds (I also pointed out I have health issues which made this a necessity). 


She didn’t book. Then a couple of weeks later she did book, clearly she hadn’t found anywhere else so convenient! 


She booked for one person, but her previous messages had stated two. I sent her an email asking her to confirm how many people. We don’t surcharge for a +1, so for us it wasn’t an issue, but it could be for others.


I asked what time she anticipated arriving, as I was out much of the day, and my husband needed to collect me later, so there would be no one home for around 45 minutes between 6 & 6.45pm. She said she’d be there at 4pm. 


She rolled up at 6.20pm, having at no point told us she was going to be late, my husband had hung around, but that left me waiting standing around in freezing cold and rain.


She was falling over drunk and promptly collapsed on the bed. Her partner didn’t introduce himself, just shut the bedroom door in my husbands face. My husband then had to leave them there, while he collected me. 


The partner was outside smoking when we got back, in the grounds, where there was already a pile of cigarette butts. The house stank of smoke and alcohol when we got inside. We spent the night worried whether she was going to end up coating the room and bathroom in vomit. We close off our area of the house overnight, yet they came through into our area in the early hours of the morning. 


Neither of them took shoes off, we have original pine stripped floors and are a shoes off house, something we make clear on our listing, and we provide guests with travel slippers for their stay. They left mud marks on the rugs, floors & bedding. 


The following morning, they both totally ignored my husband and I; we are happy to either interact with guests or leave them alone, but a good morning doesn’t hurt anyone? We spoke to them and were totally blanked. We never even found out her partners name. 


We felt very uncomfortable in our own home, like we were a nuisance to them, despite us staying out of their way. When they left, the literally just walked out the door, no goodbye nothing. They then proceeded to smoke on our drive, stub out their butts and leave them. 


They did however leave the room tidy, which is frankly the only good thing I can say about them.


How do I review her?? Any tips gratefully received!! 

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Albany, Australia

Wow, I think everyone is being way too kind here - these guests sound terrible! @Lisa1485, as @Rebecca0 said, please please review them honestly to warn other hosts. I would write something along the lines of:


While X and her partner left the room tidy, I cannot recommend them to other hosts. Communication was very poor regarding number of guests and arrival time. Additionally, numerous house rules were broken, including smoking and littering of cigarette butts on the property, excessive drinking, entering 'no guest access' areas in the early hours of the morning and leaving mud marks on the floors, rugs and bedding. They were also rude and uncommunicative and made us feel uncomfortable in our own home.


Cleanliness: 3 (mud marks)

Communication: 1 (failing to update you on arrival time, no introduction of boyfriend, not engaging in conversation and failing to say goodbye)

House rules: 1


Thumbs down!


View Best Answer in original post

57 Replies 57
Level 10
Albany, Australia

Wow, I think everyone is being way too kind here - these guests sound terrible! @Lisa1485, as @Rebecca0 said, please please review them honestly to warn other hosts. I would write something along the lines of:


While X and her partner left the room tidy, I cannot recommend them to other hosts. Communication was very poor regarding number of guests and arrival time. Additionally, numerous house rules were broken, including smoking and littering of cigarette butts on the property, excessive drinking, entering 'no guest access' areas in the early hours of the morning and leaving mud marks on the floors, rugs and bedding. They were also rude and uncommunicative and made us feel uncomfortable in our own home.


Cleanliness: 3 (mud marks)

Communication: 1 (failing to update you on arrival time, no introduction of boyfriend, not engaging in conversation and failing to say goodbye)

House rules: 1


Thumbs down!


Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I totally agree with Kath, whom I can't seem to tag. Her example is short, factual and unemotional but gives other hosts exactly the information they need. I would cut down your review to something more like hers. In fact, I would use hers almost word for word. You don't need to go into the whole story of why she was visiting etc.


The only thing is the 'excessive drinking'. Personally, I think it's right that this should be incuded as it was a major issue. However, other hosts have mentioned that Airbnb might remove your review if you mention it outright. I'm trying to think of a less direct way to mention it.


"While X and her partner left the room tidy, I cannot recommend them to other hosts. Communication was very poor regarding number of guests and arrival time. They arrived hours late in a very messy state, having just come from a party. Additionally, numerous house rules were broken, including smoking and littering of cigarette butts on the property, entering 'no guest access' areas in the early hours of the morning and leaving mud marks on the floors, rugs and bedding. They were also rude and uncommunicative and made us feel uncomfortable in our own home."

Level 3
Guildford, United Kingdom

Ok, here goes 1st attempt at my review, comments welcome!


XYZ booked with us, as we were situated only 5 minutes walk away from the venue of a birthday lunch she was attending. Her enquiry several weeks before booking,  spoke of 2 guests, however, the actual booking, when placed was only for 1 guest.


Having messaged her several times to ascertain if there would be 1 guest or 2 and an ETA; XYZ did not respond until the day of arrival. At which point she said it was her and her partner,
staying, so 1 guest was unregistered and not on the official booking.


They were due to arrive around 4pm, however, did not turn up until 2.5 hours later, A time we had said we would not be home. My husband was on the way out when they arrived, having waited as long as he possible.


Sadly XYZ was not in the best of states on arrival, and had to be assisted into the house,  she then passed out. Her partner was completely uncommunicative, we didn’t even find out his name. 


The bedroom and bathroom were left tidy, but sadly this is the only positive I can state.


Several house rules were broken by both of them. Sadly, for these reasons, I cannot recommend XYZ as a guest. 

@Lisa1485I would trim it down a bit and omit the mention of being drunk: mention of drink and drugs tends to gets reviews pulled for being "slanderous".  


XYZ sent us an enquiry several weeks before booking mentioning two guests,  but she only booked for one. I messaged her several times to confirm if there would be 1 guest or 2 and to get an ETA. XYZ did not respond until the day of arrival, saying it was her and her partner staying, so he was unregistered and not on the official booking. They arrived at 6:20 pm, 2.5 hours after the agreed upon check in, and  XYZ went straight to bed without speaking to us. Her partner was completely uncommunicative and we didn’t even find out his name. The bedroom and bathroom were left tidy, but sadly this is the only positive I can state. Several house rules were broken by both of them, including smoking on our smoke-free property and tracking mud through our house and onto our carpets and linens. Sadly, due to lack of communcation and a disregard for our rules, I cannot recommend XYZ as a guest. 

Level 3
Guildford, United Kingdom

Surely, if she was falling down drunk,  then being factual about that wouldn't cause the review to be pulled? I haven't  said outright that she was drunk. But you could smell it on her, and she literally could not stand up unaided. 


We know the pub landlord and several of our friends kids work there. She drank at least 4 bottles of wine and several vodkas! There was  a dispute over the bill apparently, as most of the  guests were 70+ (it was our guests mothers 70th birthday lunch), and very light drinkers, she was the only one in the party drinking  heavily and insisted on the bill being split equally.  Obviously,this isn't info I could or would include in our review; my hubby found out today by accident, as he was circuit training with the landlord, who mentioned about an argument in the pub at a family do! 

@Lisa1485There have been hosts who have found drugs and drug paraphenalia, and still had their reviews pulled for mentioning it. It's best not to include it.  I'm not saying it's not factual: I'm saying that Airbnb often pull factual reviews that suggest that guests were under the influence. They may not, but if you want your review to stand, I woudn't take the chance. 

I agree with @Kath9

First of all it was not a "not so great guest" It was a BAD guest 😉

Do not sugarcoat people like this.


Make it plain and simple:


Guests broke important house rules such as: No-Smoking, xxxx, xxxx

Bad communication and no response to our follow up questions.

Coming from a nearby party, guest showed up with unregistered extra person

and let us wait xxx min. for check in.

They left mud marks on the rugs, floors & bedding.

We felt very uncomfortable in our own home.

Future hosts be aware! Not recommended.


(From Kath:)

Cleanliness: 3 (mud marks)

Communication: 1 (failing to update you on arrival time, no introduction of boyfriend, not engaging in conversation and failing to say goodbye)

House rules: 1


Thumbs down!




You DON'T need to explain yourself !

Level 10
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

It's too long, in my opinion!   Too many details about communication issues.  Communication is often less than ideal with guests  It's irritating but doesn't always mean they're bad in the end. Also, the fact that the booking was for one person is irrelevant because she told you beforehand there would be two guests. It was on you to follow up on that prior to arrival. 


The most important points are that both guests were disrespectful and did not follow house rules.   

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Lisa1485  Much too wordy. The goal is to warn future hosts, who are good at drawing conclusions. Think short synopsis rather than short story. No situational details needed,  just the general facts. @Giedre-and-Andre0's suggestion more like it.

I might change "Coming from a nearby party, guest showed up with unregistered extra person......" to add "Coming from a nearby party, guest showed up in a state which precluded conversation, and with unregistered extra person......" 

Level 3
Guildford, United Kingdom

Ok, how about this  one, taking a little from several suggestions here; 


While XYZ and her partner left the room tidy, I would not recommend them to other hosts. Communication was very poor regarding number of guests, with one being unregistered. They arrived 2.5 hours after their stated check in time,   XYZ was in a state that precluded conversation.  House rules were broken. They were uncommunicative and made us feel uncomfortable in our own home.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Lisa1485 sounds factual and to the point, and gives future hosts everything they need to know about your experience of this guest.

The first time I (respectfully) disagree with @Paul

If a guest would (as of @Lisa 's own words):


They left mud marks on the rugs, floors & bedding.

And I would be worried all night that they throw-up all over my place,

falling down drunk, to be assisted into the house,  she then passed out


THIS wouldn't come into my mind as a first line in my review:


"...While XYZ and her partner left the room tidy..."


I would go with something like my earlier recommendation

and would take @Sarah 's line into play as well.


I have NO tolerance with guests coming to my (private) house who behave disrespectful

throuwards my tenant, our property or us as owner and hosts.

And don't get me wrong,

I'm not picking on guests, if there is little more cleaning required...

They pay, I accept payments,

and not every guest is perfect-perfect.




Totally fine to  respectfully disagree @Giedre-and-Andre0 !


Perhaps I'm overly polite come review time...must be the English half of me 😉

:-)))))))))   LOL 

@Paul1255 Yes, Im definitely more Brooklyn, NY ;-))))