I'm going to BOOST your airBnB listing !

Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

I'm going to BOOST your airBnB listing !

Hello everyone, 


Feel free to let me know your listing's URL in the comments below.

I'm going to boost it and give it a better ranking in airbnb search results. 


If you're already satisfied with your listing's performance in terms of visibility and bookings, this " Boost " will allow you to up your prices. 




* What am I going to do : 


1) I'm going to take a quick look at your pictures to make sure they look cool then I'm going to add your property to my airbnb favorites / wishlist https://www.airbnb.fr/wishlists/56557342 


2) I'm going to share it here : http://facebook.com/OneBigWeb  (2000 followers)


3) And here  : https://twitter.com/One_Big_Web (3000 followers)






* Why do I do all this ? 

I need your HELP - please share my listing https://www.airbnb.fr/rooms/12043937 on the web and add it to your favorites. 



* Why take part ? 

It's clearly a WIN-WIN since we all get better visibility in airbnb search results in our respective areas.



* Let's do it !

I'm going to boost your listing and you're going to boost mine. 

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please don't fall for this.


The only person who may benefit from this is OP as he has hundreds of hosts liking his listing, where as other hosts here only get a few hosts liking theirs.


There are much better ways to boost your listing. Look at what Airbnb recommends hosts do here:-



View Best Answer in original post

491 Replies 491
Level 2
Olongapo, Philippines
Level 10
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

@Dianne48  wishlisted.  really nice.


me at  https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1835186




Level 1
Alesund, Norway

Jag gillade din listing också, jättefin hytte. 🙂

Level 10
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

@Baard0  wishlisted.  like the building design.


me at  https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1835186




Level 2
Edmonton, Canada

Level 10
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

@Andy136  wishlisted.  looks great.



me at  https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1835186




Level 2
Gothenburg, Sweden

Have favourited your listing. 🙂




Have a nice evening!

Level 10
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

@Hanna28  wishlisted. 


me at  https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1835186




Level 1
La Paz, Mexico



My listing is for a boat in La Paz, BCS.




I will go ahead and check yours out and return the favour.  Thanks

@Catherine414love it!

Level 10
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

@Catherine414  wishlisted.  would so do this.


me at  https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1835186




Level 6
Buenos Aires, Argentina

I hope this work well for you guys. I believe that @Lilian20 has nothing but good intentions about this.

However if this works well then it means the ranking algortihm isn't strong enough to prevent people from gaming it.
And if doesn´t work is because Airbnb has already thought about this kind of wishlist-attacks that are aimed to self-increase the ranking of fellow hosts.

I mean every kind of website that has some SEO built on it, has a strong fraud detection algorithm to prevent this thing to happen. In fact, when someone tries to game the system, the algorithm might penalize you instead of rewarding you with a better ranking. For just saying something, Airbnb can easily incorporate some procedure that nullifies the effects of bidirectional wished lists (you WL me, I WL you).

Let the normal flow of wish lists work as it is supposed to (real people that like your place) ... not a massive wish list saving attack of 300 hosts within a few minutes. 

All in all, I believe that @Lilian20 isn´t trying to create a scheme that favors him only but still I will doubt about the results of following this procedures.

Level 10
Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

@Florencia0  always interesting to listen to different points of views.  i can't imagine how someone could not like my place.  but they would likely not have seen it if not for this exercise.  either because they are not coming here or thought they weren't,  or because of the price.  for me its all gain.  one the one hand of course they like my place and on the other, they heart it.


sounds good all round.




Level 1
Timișoara, Romania



my listing is:



I have just added your property to my favorites and shared it on my FB

