If it wasn't for the money...

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

If it wasn't for the money...

If it wasn't for the money I really wouldn't be a host. I give my applause to those who allow couch surfing for free or are doing this out of meeting new people and so forth, but some of these guests can ruin it for the whole lot. I enjoy those guests who arrive after check in time and leave before check out time, I also enjoy those who clean up after themselves and know how to live independently without asking questions which are found in the listing. I really like those guests who after I pre-approve there requests 5 minutes after sending it actually accept it. Those are the guests that make a hosts life easier and I hope that by them staying with me I make their life easier in some way vis a vis money saved.


Then you have those "uninformed" guests who by one form or another teach you just how to be a better host, for lack of a better phrase. They use all 10 towels in the bathroom so now you only leave 2 for them in their room, they stain the white bath mats so you switch over to bamboo mats with a plush backing, they cook curry and fry fish in the kitchen even though you state it time and time again- PLEASE do not cook-so you remove all pots and pans from the kitchen and then there are those that lose the house key so you install a key pad entry. We like to think all guests enjoy a free breakfast, but buying danishes and cured meats in a world of people who are on health kicks and gluten free just seems a waste of money and effort.


I suppose being a successful host is about being nimble, realizing that some things work great in theory, but not so in practice, and focusing on the main reason the guest booked your place- it was cheap, location was great and it was clean. Sticking to those three things and offering little else has become a winning strategy- at least for me.  <End Rant>

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447 Replies 447
Level 2
Calgary, Canada

Can agree with you any more. We just met a nightmare at the first day of new year. A young girl lied and cheated us, She told us she and her boyfriend and boyfriend's parent for one night quiet stay. But, She invited 15 young people for a carzy new year's party. They disappeared with lots of damages and comtaminations. It will cost thousands dollar to repair and clean. there are pictures on my twitter https://twitter.com/George9403



A while back a host just kept emailing the ceo of abnb and finally threatened legal action untill they paid him what they owed.  Be sure to take picts.

Thank you Amy, I did take the pictures. I can't believe there a such kind of people in the world. Can you image the feeling of my wife, of my kids, of mine when we came to the house for their check out. We were shocked!! Windows were broken, Window screens were thrown far away to the street. Full of vomituses and dirty stuff outside the door and on the deck. When we come in the house, it looks like a war happened, totally mess, vomituses, dunghill, blood and dirty stuff full of the floor, the wall, the bed, the sofa. Five big holes and lots of scratches on the wall of main floor and basement. Furnitures and belongings were falling down scattering all over the house. Many young guys just wake up with tipsy, she made the appearance of innocent and her friends were very aggressive.......Hope our young kids can forget the terrible scene and re-believe the world is peace, the people is nice again. We should not took our kids with us that day.

I searthed the girl who rent and damaged our house on google, there is a comment of her: Pretty little liar. I was overtrust in others before. It's a big lesson.

@George76  In the states, I can file a claims suit for the damages at my courthouse...25$ and no lawyer.

If you dont have her address, just use your abnb.  When the court date comes up, and she doesnt show up, the ruling will be in your favor.  Even if she never pays, it is on herrecord forever.

Thank you Amy. I called 911 and I think there is evidence in police office.

George to piggy back on what Amy said, I have an exterior camera called D-Link I bought from BestBuy. It too pings my smartphone when it detects motion. It is not instantaneous but does have a data card that holds the image. I also have a couple of other cameras in the common areas of the house just to keep track of my investment and for my piece of mind.

Good advice, I will think about it. Thank you very much.

Sadly, interior cameras are illegal unless you inform people.and very few people will want to be filmed as they walk to the kitchen in their underwear.  @Jay77Jay This is different for you as you live in your property. 

@George96. The purpose of an exterior camera is to monitor how many people actually enter the property.  For those of you who rent multi bedroom properties, I would list for 4 people and a fee for 2 additional.  I would require that at least 3 be related.  A family plus a couple of friends vacationing are unlikely to damge your house....a group of guys or girls.....?

Charge a serios cleaning fee...$28 for a four bedroom house? What does it cost to pay someone to clean the place even if just two bedrooms  are rented. Your price and offer to house 9 people for under $10 each is absurd, you are only going to attract party people when what you want is families.

excuse all the bad typing but I type poorly and cannot get this site to let me correct easily...another abnb program gone awry.

Wow George, those pictures are hard to look at. You need to prosecute. Call the police, file a report, have her arrested for destruction to private property.

I called 911. Policemen inspected inside and let us stay outside. Finally, they walked out and told us the guest, young woman was nice girl and she tried to clean my house. they adviced us contact Airbnb. That girl appeared innocent and she said she did not destroy my house. She said there are 15 young people taking party and she cannot control their behavior after drink. At beginning, she told us the guests would be her boyfriend, her boyfriend's parents and herself for one night stay during the journey to Mexico.

I suspect the police did not feel they had enough to take it before the magistrate. I guess a civil suit is next. Sue her for damages and let the judge decide her level of responsibility. Will Airbnb's insurance cover any of the damage? How about your insurance? 

I will sue her. But I am sure she will not make compensation. She know what she did from beginning, she deliberately did it and then disappeared. Airbnb has Host Guarantee. I have no insurance that cover the damage caused by guests. I will buy commercial insurance to cover the damage caused by guests in the future.

@George76 you have photos, you have messages and you have her telling you 15 people were there.

I would call 1 . The head of the precinct and 2. Your local DA.  That is absurd.  Police never want to be involved in many things, but if you have the law on your side, you can insist they be.

Amy, I think it is a civil matter at this point. It would have been criminal if she had broken in and done this damage. But she was invited into the house by the homeowner. I would go for civil prosecution. Not to make light of the situation but George might end up on Judge Judy.


But to another point, what would one do to a guest that would not leave? How would you "evict" a guest who stayed past their reservation and would not vacate? Would the host have to follow the same legal procedure as with a holdover tenant - file the papers in court, have the "guest" served, wait for the hearing, have the Marshalls evict ...? I've watched enough Judge Mathis to know you cannot lock out a tenant or have any other self-help remedy without following strict legal procedures. Would the same apply to an Airbnb guest?