Improper Tax Collections

Level 1
Marietta, GA

Improper Tax Collections


Has anyone elase expirenced Airbnb collecting taxes that they should not be collecting?  Airbnb has been collecting a local city tax for all my rentals from the tenants.  The tax is invalid and hes been verified by the local city and state.  I am not getting anyone at Aibnb to respond or assist.  

3 Replies 3
Level 5
Greensboro, NC

There is definitely a glitch in there system. My local area has suspended Occupancy tax for properties that have less than six units, but the tax is still be collected (going by State tax law). 

Not sure how we can get through to accounting — or programming!

At one point I had email communications with David in their Tax department.  But he did not acknowledge the problem and only sent links to their general tax policy pages.  All the supporting  documentation I sent to Airbnb from the local City Revenue Officer, the State  Revenue Examiner, and the legal Resolution documents that all confirm the tax should not be collected - have been ignored by Airbnb!  At this point when I call or email, I am told they are not authorized to discuss anything with me or they ignore the email message. 


Airbnb has taken 6.5 percent tax put of every payment. That's the amount of the state tax. What are they doing with it?? How do I know they are sending it? Do I double pay??