Language barrier

Level 2
Worcester, MA

Language barrier

I have a couple from northern China who have told me the dates they want to stay at my home, but have not booked it. I have told them they need to schedule the dates on my airbnb page, but I don't think they understand the procedure. Is there anyone that could help me out and type in thier language what they need to do to make the reservation?

Thank so much,


3 Replies 3
Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

@Juliann0 Have you tried Google Translate ? 


But really you shouldn't have to, anyone traveling to the US has to talk a minimum of english

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Sounds like they are shopping around - I am sure they are perfectly capable of using an online booking service. They will have used similar services for flights, hotels, etc in China (where online booking is very common)

Hi Just Traveling, Gerry and Rashid,


Thank you so much for your ideas and help. They have made the reservation. I am still having a little difficulty understanding what they are trying to say in thier messages. I am sure it will be fun and interesting when they arrive. Happy hosting, traveling and New Year 🙂
