Meetups or Meet and Greet for Hosts in Los Angeles?

Level 3
Los Angeles, CA

Meetups or Meet and Greet for Hosts in Los Angeles?



We have served as Hosts for almost three months now and would love to meet with other Hosts to have a community of resources and to share ideas.


One topic we are concerned about remains setting up a Business entity to comply with City of Los Angeles requirements?


So..if there are at least 2-3 families who would be willing to meet somewhere in the Burbank, Glendale, Eagle Rock area, that would be ideal!



2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

HI @Tony159.  Are you familiar with the Home Sharing Clubs?  There is a Los Angeles club.  Go to Discuss and select Home Sharing Clubs.  I think you might find like minded hosts that participate there. 

Thanks, Linda!


No...I was not familiar with the clubs you mentioned so I will check it out  now.


Are you a member and how has it helped you in your business?

