Minimum price not working?

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Minimum price not working?

I set a minimum price for my listing but I keep getting booking confirmations for less that. Anyone know why this is happening?

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Hi @Jenny285

Have you got smart pricing turned on, if so turn it off.

Thanks Jeff. You're saying I cannot set a minimum price while having smart pricing on?

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

You are supposed to be able to but,

In my experience it still lowers your price below the base rate you have set.

Wow, that is extremely annoying. Thank you for replying!

@Jeff158 Strange... I have never had any single booking whose rate per night was lower than the minimum rate set.

@Jenny285 Double-check your settings. I doubt it would depend on the geographical location of particular hosts.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

The same thing is happening to me!!!! Set my minimum price at $90 and night and just got a reservation for $76.  

Same for me, I set my minimum price at €45 and it is showing as €38 and i do not understand why ??

Hi guys,


Now I am in trouble! I've set the price for 300 euros per night... airbnb gave it away for 185 and me without thinking accepted it! I am the property manager and thought little money is better than nothing but the owner is furious now. I don't know what to do now! I wrote to the family and of course I can cancel it but it won't look good on the profile! HELP! 😞 

I have had the same problem.  I had smart pay on with a minimum & maximum price.  I can read english (I am english) and the instructions say that one can have smart pay on & still control the min/max price parameters.  This is not correct.  I have just received two automatic bookings for prices below the minimum price I stipulated.  It is very annoying...  To be able to use a min/max with smart pay is a very easy rule that could be applied to the system, however, alas... apparently the service fees do not cover this.  I have now switched off smart pay & set a base rate.  A pity.