Multi Calendar

Multi Calendar



This is a VERY URGENT message, so PLEASE forwarded this to the correct department (IT, or Web Development).


I operate one of the highest-rated Airbnb properties in Southern Utah (Zion National Park area). I have 5 separate listings, and I manage ALL my listings from the multi calendar page.


Yesterday there was a HUGE wrench thrown into our spokes with the recent changes/updates made to the multi calendar.

The new system lacks all of the information that we could see previously, such as the pricing, guest's names, etc. We adjust our pricing manually and daily from the multi calendar, depending on our bookings and our assessment of the activity in our area. Today we were VERY frustrated to find out that our ability to see our pricing on the multi-calendar was gone.


These changes are INCREDIBLY inconvenient. PLEASE add that information back into the new multi-calendar ASAP!!! These types of frustrations are enough to encourage us to do more business on VRBO.


Thank you,


55 Replies 55

What an absolute joke! I use the Multi Calendar as my Home page and refer to it multiple times per day. Do you think it's possible to create extra listings that aren't active to reach the required 6 listings?

So frustrated not to have the multi calendar.  That just makes no sense that they took it off!  They are making billions of dollars!

I"m lost without it

@Anna-Pia-And-John0 wrote:

So frustrated not to have the multi calendar.  That just makes no sense that they took it off!  They are making billions of dollars!

I"m lost without it

This is from Lizie's answer below, so I won't take credit.  Just want to make sure you see it.  I was soooo frustrated, I went to see what others thought about the subject, they were frustrated, too, but - lo and behold- there was Lizie's solution and it totally worked for me when I tried it a minute later -ROFL-   


Please go to:

Account Settings > Settings > and select to Opt-in to the 'Use professional tools' there.

Great Idea. Did you try this yet? I am too am soooo frustrated and I am a superhost and am so concerned that now i will have a double booking, have to cancel and then lose our Superhost status. This is crazy. 

This is from Lizie's answer below, so I won't take credit.  Just want to make sure you see it.  I was soooo frustrated, I went to see what others thought about the subject, they were frustrated, too, but - lo and behold- there was Lizie's solution and it totally worked for me when I tried it a minute later -ROFL-   


Please go to:

Account Settings > Settings > and select to Opt-in to the 'Use professional tools' there.

@Maggie-and-Ric0 wrote:

Great Idea. Did you try this yet? I am too am soooo frustrated and I am a superhost and am so concerned that now i will have a double booking, have to cancel and then lose our Superhost status. This is crazy. 


This is from Lizie's answer below, so I won't take credit.  Just want to make sure you see it.  I was soooo frustrated, I went to see what others thought about the subject, they were frustrated, too, but - lo and behold- there was Lizie's solution and it totally worked for me when I tried it a minute later -ROFL-   


Please go to:

Account Settings > Settings > and select to Opt-in to the 'Use professional tools' there.

@Kate46 wrote:

What an absolute joke! I use the Multi Calendar as my Home page and refer to it multiple times per day. Do you think it's possible to create extra listings that aren't active to reach the required 6 listings?


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Rob16@Kate46@Diana814@Lynda131


Lovely to meet you. I am sorry to hear your frustration around this.


We have spoken with the tech team on this and so I wondering if you could try the below please:


Please go to:


Account Settings > Settings > and select to Opt-in to the 'Use professional tools' there.


Several other hosts have mentioned this has worked for them, so if you could let me know that would be great.





[FYI - Rebecca - I've already @ mentioned you in another post, I don't want to bombard you :)]


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Thank you, Lizzie. That worked for me.  I wonder why customer support couldn't provide this information. I've been messaging with them for two days and they kept telling me that it was only going to be available to hosts with 6 or more listings.  I hope this is a change of direction.  Again, thanks!

OMG!!!! You are amazing!  Thank you so much!

If you didn't notice by now... it worked for me 🙂

I really wish airbnb had mentioned this to me when i called 2 days ago.... but its all good now.


Lizzie i think I love you. This was driving me mental and your solution solved the problem. THANK YOU!!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

hehe! I'm glad it has worked for you, @Brendan110🙂 


Happy calendar-viewing!! 


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Lizzie i think I love you. This was driving me mental and your solution solved the problem. THANK YOU!!


Hi Lizzie, 

This doesn't work for me. It might be because I had already opted into "Use Professional Tools"? Why was this change put into effect? It makes everything super inefficient. Now there are two options only: 

1) Mandatory multi-calendar view if you have 6 listings or more with no option for single view and


2) Mandatory single-calendar view if yo have 5 listings or less with no option for multi view




It was the same for me so clicked on don't use professional tools then cancelled it and now it's working😁

LIzzie, OMG you totally saved me major headaches. Thank you for posting this. So frustrating that after talking to support I was left feeling like there were no solutions to this problem. And I spoke to them last week AFTER you posted this. They need to get the word out to the support staff so they are up to date on this problem so they can help the hosts work thru this issue & know how to do these steps.