My guest cancelled 2 days ago but my calendar still shows it and other guests can't request it

Level 2
Escalon, CA

My guest cancelled 2 days ago but my calendar still shows it and other guests can't request it

2 days ago I suddenly had 2 guests cancel. That's not happened before. My calendar still shows them both so it is blocked from other guests requesting them and also blocks me from the ability to rent them.

I'm fine with the cancellation. What I am not fine with is the unavailabilty that my calendar shows. I understand it takes time. However, a booking shows up almost immediately and blocks the calendar so there are no more requests. 2 days later I think the calendar should be reflecting the change.



9 Replies 9
Level 9
San Mateo, CA


It doesn't sound like they actually cancelled. Telling you they are cancelling is not good enough. If they physically cancel, your calendar should open back up. And depending on your cancellation policy selected, you may also get a payout too.


Thanks for the quick reply. I appreciate it. My reservation list doesn't say cancelling or in process. It says cancelled and it's been 2 days. ???

Level 3
South Carolina, United States

Hi Deb,

just thought I'd share what happened to me from yesterday. 

Two guests canceled saying they were not comfortable with the Great Dane (I disclosed 2 dogs on my profile but that's not my issue).

i have strict cancelation policy checked on my page so they wanted a refund. They are super hosts from NC themselves. 

They contacted Airbnb, we hashed it out, I caved and said ok to the refund BECAUSE I knew they could review me and would decimate my ratings.

All that was yesterday morning at 10:00am before 2:00pm check in. 

My calendar is still blocked. So it does happen.  I'm still trying to get the Airbnb manager Jay to respond but no luck and I'm on day 2 losing money at the beach in sunny SC.


Level 10
Memphis, TN

Yes, sounds like they just cancelled it in their minds. While the system is kinda buggy, usually your res status will not be messed up. It would say cancelled.

Thanks for replying. Unfortunately it does state "cancelled."

Try contacting Airbnb. See community guide.
Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ
Level 3
South Carolina, United States

I wish that were true but it's now 2019 and my calendar is blocked 2 days now. 

See my story in this thread

Level 10
Memphis, TN

Somebody else reported same. This may be a bug. Has it resolved? Keep us updated.
Level 3
South Carolina, United States

Two guests canceled saying they were not comfortable with the Great Dane (I disclosed 2 dogs on my profile but that's not my issue).
i have strict cancelation policy checked on my page so they wanted a refund. They are super hosts from NC themselves.
They contacted Airbnb, we hashed it out, I caved and said ok to the refund BECAUSE I knew they could review me and would decimate my ratings.
All that was yesterday morning at 10:00am before 2:00pm check in.
My calendar is still blocked. So it does happen. I'm still trying to get the Airbnb manager Jay to respond but no luck and I'm on day 2 losing money at the beach in sunny SC.

Airbnb help is not good. 

Maeve from Myrtle Beach