New Extensive Review Process

Level 10
Catania, Italy

New Extensive Review Process

I am a superhost on Airbnb and recently rented an apartment as a guest.  Has anyone else noticed the new very extensive review process that Airbnb has implimented?  As a host, it's really frustrating because this is where people get the most passive aggressive.  As a host, you're already scrutinized over everything, but to really allow the guests to dig deep into each individual aspect of their stay (ie:  "smells" and "sounds", REALLY??) is really problematic.  For example, our last guest left a private review that there was a "nauseating smell of burnt meat" on the "cleanliness/smells" star.  First of all, we didn't cook at all while this guest was in our house, she must have smelled one of the neighbors cooking, and second of all, we're in Sicily, so there are definitely going to be food smells coming in from all angles at certain times a day.  This feedback really bothered me because it was unnecessary and obviously had nothing to do with us since it wasn't even coming from our house.  I would've preferred these guests just keep these types of thoughts to themselves and enter it in the private feedback to me, rather than giving them the option of selecting specific things to complain about.  As a host who has new guests almost every 2 days, the last thing I need to hear is random complaining from guests about very little things.  Obviously as a superhost, I do my best to make sure their stay is 100% comfortable.  My feelings are also important and I don't need to hear every two days something really small and meaningless that I can't control (like food smells in Italy).  Reading passive aggressive feedback actually makes me really upset and I'm getting to the point where I really just don't want to bother hosting anymore.  I'd prefer going back to the basic rating system.  It's faster for the guest to leave reviews and much less harsh on the host.

307 Replies 307

Yes, I can see why you think air quailty should be in the ratings, but they should not affect overall host scores.  ABB needs to differentiate data that applies to the host and to the area.  BUT, if the hosted place is clean, the host is doign their job, and the property is as represented in the post, those are the major players in individual properties.  

I can't help going to my database/data choice background in software.  Most immature companie go from collecting too little data to collecting too much, and all the while having no understanding of what they have collected and the limitations of the data and the collection method.  <sigh>  They need to sit down with HOSTS and GUESTS and go over what each thinks is important about the other and explain what ABB sees as important about both, and then sit down with a professional and get it figured out.


Best regards,

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


It certainly often seems the case that this company collects a lot of data, even asking hosts to voice their opinions, and then changing a number of inconsequential, illogical or unproductive issues instead of really tackling useful ones. I also often strongly feel that many changes are done theoretically and from a lack of actual experience in hosting. Like designing a car from someone with passenger experience but who's never actually driven one.


You personally addressed me and I am a host of an Airbnb, apparently you decided to selecgt me, though I have had far more experience that I see that you have since we began just over a year ago, and are very pleased even now that Airbnb is becoming more specific about ratings.

Why?  Because we nor Airbnb know what they were saying as it is a star, no details, unless they send me a note, and we can lose our 5 star just like you can with one person since you have only 50 guests.

Best regards, 

My major point in quoting your previous message was 1) no one was engaging in a "political" discussion, 2) and your response, in all caps, paraphrases as "if you don't like ABB, go away" was unhelpful and is known by everyone,  and 3) notably because you said you were commenting in a discussion you stated did not affect you, pointing out your advice in all caps clearly applied to you in this discussion.

To answer your second paragaph, I think,  this discussion was not about how many times you have rented your propery, but how the data being collected was ill-advised and having adverse effects.  I don't care if you have an equal chance of losing your super host status.  I care if other ABB hosts, you, or I lose super host status for good reasons.  ABB should want us retain our super host status for good reasons and lose it only for good reasons.  After over 25 years in business data analysis and database design, I see a big disconnect between what ABB is saying, doing , and recording.

Best regards,

Charles, I think you should write a letter to Airbnb, telling them your ideas about developing a rating system for guests and for hosts.  You have some insightful ideas.  Deborah


Andrea, a point well made.

@Charles0 In terms of collecting data, I could not agree more!

I empathize, and do think we need a moderator employed by and invested in Airbnb.'

Some discussions become too much about questions that can be easily cleared up by having someone to talk to for real.

There is a phone number for them, we have called for help or assistance rather before, we have been hosts for just past a year, and have loved it.  IF one does not prepare you with an honest description of their Space, and you also do your own homework read their reviews, about the city, etc. as I am sure you do, then they need to clean up their representation, it is not good for anyone!  Best, and better luck to you!  I envy your ability to travel , come to the U. S. for a visit to our present country as is, in all it's versatility, also.  

thanks for sharing



  I see no copy/pasted quoted at all of the nature of which you speak.  And why are you interested in my business?

  I would never disregard another's Airbnb as if I wasn't within the same community, supporting others, and encouraging people if it is on the right thread.  It is not me saying anything about you until you kept directing weird messages to me.  It's on here.  I have reported you for harassment.

Jim, I believe your response was meant for someone else named charles but message only copied and highlighted the first part of the name and was sent to me, Char inadvertantly. 

I have never replied to any of your comments or even posted in this forum. 


I recently travelled to Krakow, Berlin & Paris and I never saw this option. I'm quite horrified by the prospect. 

Level 1
Lake Montezuma, AZ

I had one reservation that complained about not having a vase of  flowers, candies, and not meeting my wife. This coorespondence resulted in a 3 star rating. Though my wife and I are active around the house we have found that most guests are here to be to themselves. Not that we avoid them, it's a comman neuance we can appreciate as travelers ourselves after we have checked in. We make it clear we are available by knocking on our back door, calling our home phone, and even our work phones. I would agree that the rating system is flawed and in favor of the gueat without just cause.  If there is a legitamate complaint so be it, but if it is frivolus, I don't need a white glove inspection as a guest when they do not read and comprehend the discription of my rental.

@Charlie-and-Nina0, that seems very unfair. I get to stay in a lot of 4 and 5 star hotels because of my job and, even in those, you don't always get a vase of flowers or candy. In fact, it's not that common at all. I assume your guests stayed in an Airbnb with those things and then expected it to be standard everywhere they went. I sometimes put these things in my rooms if I get a chance, but I don't advertise them, so would be a bit annoyed to be marked down for that.


Also, yes, many guests like to do their own thing and you don't want to intrude, so you just make yourselves easily available if they need you. It seems like a very unfair review to me!


What an amazing accommodation you offer! I've had the pleasure of being able to go to Arizona twice in my life, and I am in love with the grand vistas, the starry night skies, the red earth and rocks. It touches my soul deeply.

Anyway, and it's really none of my business, see it as a tip from one  host to another.

I noticed in your listing that in your public responses you have frequently reacted to something that the guest must have mentioned in the private part of their review not visible to the public. This is something a lot of hosts don't realize and thus draw attention to something that in fact isn\t a problem. And your listing looks so wonderful, that it would be a shame to undermine it in the review section in any way.

For example the heater issue. As a possible future guest this would leave me with the impression  that it is something that is a problem occasionally. Personally, I would never react to anything publicly said in the private review section. You can do this separately through the message system and nobody else is the wiser.


I would love to stay in your amazing place and promise to keep my white gloves at home!!

Happy hosting, Andrea


Level 10
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Wow, Charlie and Nina... if ever I'm at your side of the world, I'm coming to stay with you!  Your public, visible reviews are excellent.  I have also had private "advice" from guests, but answer those through the messaging system.  Happy hosting!