New "work collection" requires a Television!?

Level 2
Ottawa, Canada

New "work collection" requires a Television!?

I just learned that Airbnb has introduced the "work" collection. Previously, I was listed under the business filter, but I am now being excluded because I don't have a TV in the apartment. 

This is ridiculous! I provide high speed wifi and guests are welcome to watch whatever they want. Why would a business traveler require a TV?  Who even watches "TV" any more?  On top of that, I could provide a TV but without cable or satellite hooked up to it, they wouldn't get any signal. What's the point in that? This is a ridiculous requirement. Business travelers do not ALL need a TV. If one does, they can search for that themselves.

On this page, a TV is not listed as one of the requirements:
but I am see in my "progress" tab that I am being excluded because I only meet 7 of the 8 amenities required. 

I am sure there are others out there facing the same issue.   Let's get together, complain, and get Airbnb to remove this requirement.  

21 Replies 21
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I would assume the change was made due to feedback from the business travelling community, @Koreen2.  I have limited TV in each room which is appreciated more for getting local news than much else.   Perhaps your ideal guest age range is younger than mine is.  I meet 7 out of 8 requirements as well, but in my case I am not able to accommodate the self check in, so I will never qualify.

Level 10
Bergen, Norway


Just get an inexpensive TV and a Chromecast. No big deal. A TV does not mean that you would need expensive Sat-TV - just a larger screen to cast from the computer would probably do.

I worry that by saying I have  "TV" that people will come expecting it to have channels and provide lower ratings in amenities.  Just by meeting the requirement of physically having a TV doesn't mean people will be happy when they don't have access to channels.  

Level 2
Nashville, TN

I agree! I also don't have a TV but the business travellers that have stayed with me have loved my space. I don't really want a TV in there either as I feel it would take away from the minimal, peaceful atmosphere of the place that my guests enjoy. Ridiculous!


I don't have a TV either and it's never been an issue. There are plenty of apps or streaming sites where people can watch whatever they want or local broadcasts and I offer unlimited high speed wifi. I also don't allow self check in so another mark against me 🙂 I feel like the recent changes ABB is  promoting is just focused on herding all hosts into a boxed genric hotel version, stripping away what makes my listing different and unique from another listing across the street. Fyi, I mostly host long term exchange student guests for 1~4 months. 

Level 4
Eugene, OR

@Koreen0 I agree with all you wrote here and a TV also excludes me becoming a work / business friendly space, so this is more feedback for NOT requiring a TV for work collection listings!

Level 2
Nashville, TN

After a little more investigating.... The TV option was the only option that I didn't have checked so I assumed that was stopping me from being eligable the new 'for work' filter. However, that might not be the case. The target is 8 amenities, but even without a TV checked you can still have 8, which I have. For some reason, under 'work collection: what to work on' airbnb lists mine as 7 and THAT'S the issue. The two don't match up.


I just called airbnb and asked them why I was listed as having 7 amenities when clearly 8 are checked. They are investigating.


It really looks like it's just a bug becuase of all the recent changes. Waiting to find out....


Koreen, it may be worth counting how many amenities you actually have checked by clicking on the "add amenities" button. It may be different from the number they list you as having.





I noticed this discrepency too - I believe it is because they have smoke detector on the list, but it is not a requirement until July.  Honestly, I would think that a smoke detector would be a MUCH more important requirement for a business traveller (well, any traveller) than a TV.....

Level 4
Eugene, OR

Thanks Susan, I'll be interested in hearing what more you learn, but it does look like TV is currently a Work Collection requirement! I just sent feedback ( and I encourage everyone who feels this wayt to do the same.


I wrote:

It seems inappropriate to require a TV for the Work Collection. As other's have pointed out here (I linked to this thread)


TV is for leisure, not work.
TV is not a specific requirement for a Business traveler.


To exclude an otherwise business / work equipped listing, where a TV is not desired esthetically, no room for, or no service for, is unfair.


Please don't make TV required. Actually, I've read similar argument that a TV should not be required for the Family Collection either, since on vacation, interactive quality time might be preferred to offer.


Thanks for considering!

Great, hopefully they change this soon!  

I just noticed that it looks like they have removed TV as a requirement for the work collection!  Yay!  

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Koreen2 - Frustrating situation. I imagine that most all of the hotels (including 'boutique' operations) that have been hotly pursued by Airbnb these past couple of years and who are now listing on Airbnb under special (adjusted) policies have TVs. Could there be a connection? 

Level 4
Eugene, OR

Level 2
Buxton, United Kingdom

I also don't have a TV and dont want a TV. I relish the fact that this place offers other qualities rather than the mundane aspect of a TV blaring out all the time . My place is a retreat and an escape from the TV dominated world, and that is an asset. A TV would spoil that, it is a place for peace and quiet and thinking and writing. I dont think that I should loose listing because of it, it appeals to a different type of person.