Level 3
Urangan, Australia


Hi Guys, 


I am a host and allow pets, I think it is great that people can bring their fur babies along with them while they are on holidays but i would love it if AIR BNB would put an opion for a pet fee/pet cleaning fee. What are your thoughts? I do find that when we have a dog stay that the cleaning is always so much more but i do not want the minority to blow it for the majority. Whats your thoughts?

75 Replies 75

If Airbnb doesn't add a pet fee, then why would a host allow pets knowing there are added cleaning and liability costs to the owner? This is a major bummer and if it cannot be resolved as part of the booking process I'm afraid I may have to ban the "fur babies," but not by choice. The reality is, while many pet owners are great, enough aren't, and as a pet owner I accept fair and reasonable fees for the privilege of bringing my pets along when I travel. I contemplated just saying no animals, but that's not my MO, and to have to chase down pet fees seems obnoxious. Not to mention an added source of conflict between an owner and a guest, since Airbnb is firmly on the sideline here. An upfront pet fee is more legitimate for both the property owner,  the pet owner, and for Airbnb. Let's hope they  eventually see it that way! I suggest that anyone in agreement, please submit a written request regarding pet fees. 

I have complained to Airbnb many times about the lack of a Pet Fee option during the reservation, initial payment process. They say it's being considered but they could just be trying to placate me as I'm usually quite upset when I call to complain about a guest not paying the fee prior to check in.

I did two things to resolve this on my own:

1) I raised my regular cleaning fee from $100 to $125. Now everyone pays the $25 'pet fee' regardless of whether or not they're bringing a dog because it was just too frustrating. The increase in the fee has not effected our bookings at all. People who are serious about traveling with their dogs continue to book.

2) I still request $25 extra per dog each time someone with dogs books but if they don't pay it at least I'm not out the extra money we pay our cleaning lady. I listed the fee more clearly in my description and towards the top. As soon as somone books I send them a message thanking them and clearly stating that they will receive a message from me one week prior to arrival with a "request for money" that must be paid prior to check in. I think the issue was my not being super clear in my communications. Airbnb won't let you send a 'request for money' until about 1 week prior to check in so the delay causes some people to forget about it.

Hope these ideas help, I'm definitely less frustrated about it now. People love traveling with their dogs but it definitely creates a lot more work for the cleaning crew so we have to collect more money for that one way or another.

Level 10
Wilmington, NC



I don't know what kind of check-in you have but I do not release the door code until the fee is paid.


It's amazing how guests who you can't get to respond will suddenly get right back with you when you send them a reminder on the day of check-in that the door code will not be activated until the pet fee is paid! It's almost as if they think they will just be able to slide by without you saying anything. Which is exactly why I have to be firm.


I host a lot of guests with dogs and I've only had an issue twice with a guest not paying the fee. One was early on in my hosting days (prior to the check-in rule I insituted above!) and a one-nighter. You couldn't even tell the dog was there so I just let it go instead of trying to chase down $25.


The other one I'm dealing with right now. She finally paid the fee the day of check-in so I released the door code, but all of a sudden there's a "delay in payment" so I'm wondering if she changed her payment method to try and get out of it.

Thanks for the tip. I will institute this rule and try it out. I also want to continue to pressure Airbnb and seek fellow hosts to join me on this. They really are creating an unnecissary burden here. It should be as simple as checking a box and including the fee in the booking process. Seems better for everyone involved. Other sites already do this, so I don't understand the hang up on their end. 



We live right next door so we just unlock the door at check in time prior to arrival. 


Normally, once I call Airbnb and they take over on collecting, then the person pays pretty quickly and blames it on forgetting. I hate this process though because it starts the visit off on the wrong foot.


Once I changed my initial "thank you for booking" message and made it super clear about how the pet fee payment works and the fact that it's not going to be requested until one week prior, it seems to have resolved the issue. I haven't had a problem since so it could've been poor communication on my part.


I got that "delay in payment" message once also. The guest used an invalid credit card. It took several weeks but eventually Airbnb reimbursed me out of their money and then I believe they canceled the guests Airbnb account for being dishonest. I hope your issue gets resolved quickly.


All of this could be resolved if Airbnb would just follow VRBO and add the option to check a box for "Pet Fees" when you make the reservation. I am really frustrated that Airbnb is ignoring our requests.


Thanks so much for responding!



I have just read the entire thread and I, too, have had several discussions with AIRBNB staff and sent emails regarding our collective frustration on pet fees. I have taken to putting the pet fee information in serveal places on my listings, especially the "House Rules" as I understand the gust must sign off on them prior to an accepted booking.

Come on AIRBNB! Get with the program. You are a teriffic company, but on this issue you're at the back of the pack!

Yes! This whole reluctance to help both guests and hosts is without merit or logic to add a means of charging a pet fee in reservations. 

Level 3
Ocean Springs, MS

The only response I have ever gotten when I write to Airbnb or talk to a rep regarding adding pet fees in the reservations is “Yes, we are looking into that.” This is a very simple fix and one I use on my VRBO listing without any issues, yet you have ignored this issue. Sending a separate money request or asking for a payment at arrival is very unprofessional.

Level 3
Ocean Springs, MS

It’s quite simple...Airbnb is not doing right by guests or owners when they make collecting a pet fee so difficult.

Level 3
Ocean Springs, MS

I think a pet fee is a necessary requirement and have charged for it for years on my VRBO listing. Yes, it is a lot more work, laundry and liability. My guests love and appreciate this amenity and do not complain about the fee. It is really odd that Airbnb is so reluctant to add this option on to the fees. 

Level 1
Gold Bar, WA

Yes I have contacted them ofter about implemnenting this so to make convient for both guests and hosts also had a sitiuation with a serice animal where I wans't told they were bringing pets and when I asked  as I ofter have to was sent a picture of dog so I charge her then a a big issue evolved about the service animal policy ...this is a big fail for them not to address this 

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

We’ve been hosts for 9 years. AirbNB should add a pet button so hosts can easily charge for pets. Also - there should be a button that shows guests have read rules and agreed to them. 

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Catherine Powel:  Since all these new changes are coming about. Several of us would like to see a spot for pets to be added to the reservation and when they do it will automaticly charge a pert fee. SO

2 adults 2 kids and 1 pet dog.  and the fee is added automaticly to the reservation.  It Works very well on the VRBO sight.  And in my opinion is the only think Air B&B is lacking.

Level 2
Chicago, IL

I would like to see a House rules button that guests agree to house rules by pushing the button.

Then they also push button to include pet to the reservation.  Or even better yet 1 button for pet and another button for Service Animal. Pet gets a charge the service animal does not. This is long overdue.

Level 2
Sunrise, FL

I have a guest checking in with her dog in a few days. As stated in my listing, I sent her a request for the $40 pet cleaning fee after she booked. (This is something new to my listing). How will I know if/when she has paid? Should it be collected before she arrives?