Level 3
Urangan, Australia


Hi Guys, 


I am a host and allow pets, I think it is great that people can bring their fur babies along with them while they are on holidays but i would love it if AIR BNB would put an opion for a pet fee/pet cleaning fee. What are your thoughts? I do find that when we have a dog stay that the cleaning is always so much more but i do not want the minority to blow it for the majority. Whats your thoughts?

75 Replies 75

Barry - Kind of weird you don't want to pay for a pet. I had a guest with a Chihuaua for 3 days. The dog became ill the second day and threw up inside the room the last day. How do you clean that ? How do get rid of the animal smell ? What about fur or hair ? It is not the same to clean up after a pet than people... We charge and expect to be charged if we bring a pet. It is up you if you don't want to charge for a pet BUT don't expect not to be charged if you bring a pet. 

Absolutely.  Try getting short haired fur out of 500 thread count pillow cases.  You cant just wash it and put it back on the bed.  

 Barry - Kind of weird you don't want to pay for a pet. I had a guest with a Chihuaua for 3 days. The dog became ill the second day and threw up inside the room the last day. How do you clean that ? How do get rid of the animal smell ? What about fur or hair ? It is not the same to clean up after a pet than people... We charge and expect to be charged if we bring a pet. It is up you if you don't want to charge for a pet BUT don't expect not to be charged if you bring a pet. 


I consider it a plus and luxury to be able to travel with my pets and expect to pay a fee. I have never had a problem with guests for charging as well.

Do you mind my asking how much you charge for your pet fee? I would think $100 would be reasonable for all the extra cleaning? 

Level 10
Wilmington, NC

@Shanyn0 As mentioned above, this has been discussed so many times we still aren't sure why ABB won't just go ahead and add a pet fee. I experiemented with a few different things, then settled on collecting it in advance through the resolution center. When you use the resolution center, ABB does not take a "cut" of the money so my full $25 pet fee goes to me.


I'd say about 75% of my guests have brought dogs, big and small. It's interesting that there are two distinct camps of people: Those who think all dogs will cause chaos (especially big dogs) and then us "dog people" who understand that while dogs are unpredictable and there can be problems, most dogs are perfectly fine and it's usually the little dogs that cause more trouble than big dogs. Not sure why people freak out over size!


@Robin4  There are very good reasons why people travel with their pets and someone traveling with their dog is not necessarily going to leave them in the room the whole time. My dog is part of my family and some vacations are not appropriate for her, but some are. I just spent over a week on the road and at a couple of ABB's. I so appreciated pet-friendly rentals. My girl went everywhere with me and I chose activities that she could specifically join in. We explored miles of trails, enjoyed outdoor dining, sniffed out pet-friendly businesses, and she even visited the Fountain of Youth! She was adored and spoiled with attention everywhere we went.


I understand it may be a foreign concept to some, but there are plenty of people that enjoy traveling with pets. I didn't adopt a dog so she could be confined to a house all day! She's got to live and enjoy life too!

Suzanne, we have been landlords for over 40 years now and our number one damage is because of pets. And yes we have dogs , two large dogs at that. Suzanne you should go to Vages before your luck runs out. Let us know when you do get damage. Thanks and happy hosting.



That is so great you've been landlords for such a long time! Long term rentals with pets may be a different story as there will naturally be extra wear and tear from a pet. It just comes with the territory, kind of like living with kids. They're gonna cause damage at some point.


I think because I host a room in my home and have very strict rules about leaving the dog alone it is different than those who are not on site. Dogs who are constantly supervised can't cause as much damage as those who might be left alone in a strange place.


A frayed rug? A chewed chair leg? A pee spot requiring a carpet cleaning? Meh. More important things to worry about in life! I just so much appreciate those who open their homes to my dog when I travel and I want to extend that same courtesy. There ARE going to be bad dog owners, no doubt! But for the most part people who travel with their dogs are respectful and realistic about their dog's behavior. I can't say the same about travelers with children though!

Without exception, the vast majority of damages we have experienced as hosts have been caused by guests' children; absolutely NONE caused by a pet. Only once have I had a guest not honor our rigid pet policy (which resulted in dog hair embedded in the slip cover of a couch and the stress of getting laundered the same day before another guest checked in. That guest paid a $25 fee for the additional cleaning. 

@Suzanne87 I have to agree with you. I take my two large dogs everywhere I can drive, fully appreciating each host that has been willing to let us stay with them. As a host, I prefer to host dogs over children any day.


Having said that, after my first two dog guests marked in the house, I started charging a pet deposit, paid in advance through the Resolution Center. As much as I hate discouraging dog guests (I only allow dogs — no cats, rodents, insects or aquarium pets), having to shampoo carpets after each guest isn’t standard, between guest cleaning for me — carpets get shampooed as needed but at least quarterly; so if an accident occurs, it requires additional time and supplies to prepare for my next guests.  I also have separate bedding for guests with pets as opposed to those without. After reading through this discussion, I may add a pet cleaning fee though it will be cost driven, not profit driven. Pondering....

I agree with you about pets being a minimal issue. I travel with my dogs and expect to pay a fee as well. Yes, I’ve had pee & puke but it was nothing like my place having to be cleaned, aired, scrubbed and removed from my calendar for 3 days when two women reeked of smoke so badly it permeated everything.  Here are a few things that have helped me tremendously with dogs.

1.I have slip covered washable furniture.

2. Dogs have to be neutered and current on flea R3. I keep lightweight coverlets for the sofa & chair, and a top sheet if they sleep on the bed.

3. Where I have carpet it is easily removable squares that can be replaced or cleaned.

4. I keep dog bowls, towels, pooper scooper, and tie outs for my Unfenced yard.

@Suzanne302  I have hosted many dogs and often baby sit too so that the owners can go and enjoy some of the local attractions that do not allow dogs. I love having dogs as i lost my two staffys last year and am not in a position to have another dog full time, BUT there are some people that have no respect for your furniture etc etc and have left a right mess. I bought a new $700 Dyson pet vacume yesterday and i will be saying to pet owners that they will need to clean up before they leave. I spoke with air bnb yesterday and they said to use the resolution center too an dto put the fee in my discription. This is ok and i will start doing this but it would be much easier if air bnb would just add the fee for us so that guests can add a dog like they add an extra person. I have never had an serious damage from animals its just the extra cleaning that you have to do. 

Hope you never have a big dog try to claw his way out thru the front door because the owners went to the beach and left the dog in the house alone all day.

Level 4
Johnson City, TX

We have several properties, only one of which is pet-friendly.  Another platform (not AirBnB) has allowed us to charge by pet/by day.  However, we've done a lot of traveling and stayed in a number of AirBnBs, and one of our pet peeves is fees (pun intended).  We have tried to set our prices with all the fees we could imagine being included, from cleaning to pets.  It means on average some guests are paying a bit less for all the services they use, and some are paying a bit more, but over the year it averages out.  It takes us another round with the Roomba and (occasionally) a deeper clean after pets, but that is why the pet-free cabins are cheaper (and smaller).  We do have set rules (don't let your pets off leash, we aren't responsible if they run into the brush after wildlife, and there are critters here who won't take kindly to other animals) that are provided to the guests in advance, and we track who brings what and if they have adhered to our rules.  I do agree that having a pet fee on the other platform has made guests more attentive to our pet policies, and that is one reason I would like to see it on AirBnB.

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

This was not on Airbnb but we had a family come to look at my villa for rent and then asked me do we allow pets so I aksed her what is it, she said her snake ahhhhhhhhh NO thanks