Problems with host during long term stay

Level 1
Little Rock, AR

Problems with host during long term stay

We've been in this apartment since mid-January and have had on going problems, many of which are excused not resolved, and some of which we are now being blamed for.  In short, the host is in a city 4 hours away, we've never met, and from his lack of understand of the apartment, I'm guessing he's not been here much.  Communication with the co-host is difficult because of a language barrier, but even as we try, she doesn't ask or respond much.  Every month we've been here at the first of the month, we've lost power until she goes to pay the bill.  I've documented that we lose electricity from the 5th of the month until (once) the 8th.  During that time, we had to go to a hotel.  Also, during this time, we cannot cook, so we eat out, and if we have any groceries refridgerated, they go bad.  The host has been in commuication with us about this but has not offered to help with reimbursements, discounts, or any other thing.  One time, we just ran out of gas and waited three days to have it filled (no hot water or cooking).  When I reminded him that according to AirBnB policy, we were to have these things consistantly, he blamed the co-host, saying she would no longer "help."  A few weeks later, after the second time we began having leaks in a bathroom (we've consistantly had leaks with sinks or toilets, but he sends someone to repair within a week usually), she showed up.  This time, apparently, she took photos of a few things that needed help:  the bathroom that has no shower doors (the water sprays the room and we asked about this when we first got there; she said it was fine; to use it), and a single sofa cushion on which the zipper was broken.  He is now asking that we pay for the cushion (which we did not damage).  I do not plan to pay for anything we did not break.  Furthermore, when we first arrived one item broke (which we contacted him about immediately) and he charged us for it, but later agreed on an exchange with my husband (an agreementn which I didn't feel comfortable with bc we didn't break or damage the item).  Then, I read on reviews that he had an item installed a couple of weeks before exactly where this break occured, so it was likely it was broken at that time.  We've already bought so much for this apartment (he did send some money after I sent a list of most items and offered to send reciepts) but I fear that he will continue to attempt to charge us for all the small things that are broken here.  I looked back and noted a message I sent to him the week we moved in letting him know that there were several minor things that needed repair; they weren't bothering us, but if he wanted a list, I'd gladly send it.  How do we protect ourselves from these charges?  Is there a policy regarding (specifially) what is happening with the gas and electricity?  


3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Have you spoken to or contacted AirBnB?


They won't know these problems exist unless you tell them. Second - why have you not given notice? It sounds like an impossible situation for you to live in - you should find somewhere else or get AirBnB to help you do that.


I assume you have kept all correspondence with the host on the AirBnB platform - that will help if you wish to leave early or claim any form of compensation or refund.

Yes.  I've kept all conversations.  At first the host only wanted to communicate via What'sApp (which we declined although we cannot send pictures via AirBnB as guests, only hosts, we've discovered--if we're wrong, please correct us!).  

Second, we've been looking for other places but have had no luck yet.  (On AirBnB or other.)  We need a short-term, furnished place that is walking distance to my spouse's work and has at least two bedrooms (we have our children with us).  It has been very difficult, but I am meeting with some friends on Thursday to review options and maybe view a flat.

Finally, we are relatively new to AirBnB and I do not know how to go about contacting them with this.  We did Apartments Apart while living in Europe but it's format is different.  

Thank you!

Also--I'd like to add:  what about having cleaning or repair people show up without warning and becoming displaced from the apartment?  (I ask this as I sit in a coffee shop with my family rather than our apartment while someone just showed up).  

There is very little scheduling:  someone might be scheudled to repair a leak at 9 am on Tuesday, but they show up at 6 pm on Wednesday and interrupt our cooking or dinner.  Then, there is a problem of the co-host showing up un-announced, bringing children and / or staying for several hours.  

As I said previously, we've been looking for other places but there isn't much that fits our needs.  We are trying to move.  But if someone could send ideas on how this will work from an AirBnB perspective, it might help.