Promoting your listing

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

Promoting your listing

Another contributor @Fred has posted a video of his listing on another platform and I would love to be able to do that here in my listing description.

A video can be such a draw card. I cannot understand why Airbnb can't see the merit in this instead of sending me completely stupid messages relating to my listing photos like this one.....

Too Dark.png

Of course it's too's night time you bloody clowns!!!


I have a wonderful video loop of the cottage and the area and there are a few of us that work here on promoting the Adelaide hills with videos like this one....


These videos sell us, they sell what we as hosts offer, and why Airbnb can't offer us the facility to use them in our listing descriptions is beyond me!




23 Replies 23
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Kevin557  I've got one they tagged last week that's a night scene they say is too dark also. I left it and my views dropped big time in the last week since they said it was too dark. Guess I am going to have to remove it ;( so sad...


I have one that the Wedding Spot demanded was out of focus/blurry, I was able to explain what selective focus was to them and they let it stay finally after many back and forth emails. 


The photo's in question:






The Wedding Spot:





They are lovely shots @Letti0! I have lights in my garden for night, but just can’t use them either! 



PS: I’ll have wedding in my life soon... (not mine); and the images are just on point! 👌🏼

It doesn't like my cover photo either that I put through a filter. Whatevs.

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

One must remember it does make a difference which device and Windows one is using when taking photographs. Photographs that are what may be deemed to look perfect and with correct light (whatever that is) may look terrible if someone is viewing them on say a Windows 10 when they were taken with Windows 7 or 8. Not everyone has the latest phones with all these features, nor should we feel pressured to have them to suit someone who thinks our photographs in their eyes aren't perfect.

Perhaps they should try experience life as a Visually impaired person and then they may appreciate that life is different for everyone of us, and for good reasons.

The world would be very boring if we were all the same.


As an aside, rather then permently remove the said photos "in question" maybe try change the lighting on the originals and see if that helps.


All the best & great topic to raise.


PS Take a look at my Hens, Gotland sheep, birds & trees photo at Cornwall Park on my Listing & whilst I know it's a little dark it's still been a favourite amongst recent guests and others I've shown  to.

Level 10


Hi @Helen427 ,


I looked at Your pictures, this is one of them, it looks great.


2018-07-13 Helen Auckland sheep dark.jpg


and this is what airbnb wants:


2018-07-13 Helen Auckland sheep light.jpg


airbnb, pls leave us alone with your picturerating.





Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand



That photo was taken at nightfall so is in it's natural state.

It's all about the contrast.

Heaven preserve anyone who dares try banish profile because of my nightfall photos I'll kick backside!!


I'm very passionate about our cows & sheep on our hills in Auckland & like most normal New Zealand people saddened they have kicked them off our other volcanic cones that were classified and protected under the original various Reserves & Domains Acts in the 1800's for the betterment of all New Zealand pple.


Many don't realise the full history of One Tree Hill and how it has features including animals from a wide range of countries so when people visit they always feel at home wherever they are from.


Btw Ute and others do you know the breed of cows and other animals in my Listing & there original Countries of origin?


Come and visit me in NZ and I'll happily explain as too much to write ✈


Hi @Helen427 ,


thank's for suggesting a trip to New Zealand. Unfortenately there is a problem.


My husband was working as an export manager for years and years. He was flying around the world I don't know how many times. He has such a flightmilage on his neck, as we say in Germany, that today he simply refuses to enter an airplain. I can't even get him to fly to Mallorca which would be 2 hrs from here. We have a nice convertible and are doing some groundtrips now and then, but even these are restricted to a 300 miles radius which is Italy.


But now let's get back to @Robin4 s original topic, the video in a listing.




Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

My initial comment was......why can't I post a listing video!

Many of my guests are from overseas and the first thing they want to know when they arrive is....'Where can we eat'....'what attractions should we see'!

My video loop runs in the cottage when they arrive but, I would love prospective guests to see it before they arrive.

I am a humble converted garage in the back-blocks of nowhere......but I am an exciting destination. I have guests who book again as soon as they leave because they had no idea what this part of the world had to offer them!

We live in a technological age, why can't we use it to showcase what Airbnb has to offer. They say a picture is worth a thousand words......... but a video massages the soul!



Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Thank you all for alerting me to the drop in positioning if I don't correct images. Around half of mine will have to go! Yikes.