Rent a room

Level 1
Chihuahua, Mexico

Rent a room



Does anyone know if it's possible to see a room prior to make a reservation? How Can i Do it?



Thank you!!! :):):)

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

No it is not possible

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

If it is for a potential long term booking and you really want to know if it will be alright for months on end, I would book the stay as a short one with a view to making it long, should it suit both host and guest. If it is because you are not sure about how it looks, maybe the host will need to post more pics or information. You can ask. Hosts should not be asked to show their places before booking, it puts them in an uncomfortable situation as nobody wants to seem unfriendly but we really can't do it!