Safety of guest

Level 1
Kingston, Canada

Safety of guest

I'm a new host with a guest in a room of my home who I have barely seen since arrival three days ago. She is supposed to be here to start a new job and find an apartment but has not come out of the room while I've been home since yesterday. Door closed, boots here, not a sound. What's the protocol regarding checking to ensure she is okay? Is scheduled to be here until Friday. 

3 Replies 3

There is no "protocol" from Airbnb.  It's your house - the protocol is yours to determine.  My advice is to go knock on the door and make sure she's okay and see if she needs anything.  Then write her a follow up email on the Airbnb system and reiterate what the two of you discussed so that Airbnb is aware in case there is an issue later.  

Level 10
Florence, Canada

Protocol will be to leave her alone, @Sherrill0, but I understand your concern. You might text (if she has a Canadian plan) or send a message through the Airbnb platform. Just an "Everything okay?" or "Just checking that your stay is going well," sort of thing.  If she answers, you will feel better. If she doesn't answer, don't let it bother you. Do keep an eye out for anything odd, but sometimes guests have big plans but then catch up on their sleep. Will you write here with the happy ending on Friday? 

I certainly will and thanks for the clarification. I'm relieved to report that she did pop her head out to ask about laundry after I posted, so I know she's okay. On a positive note, I'm pleased to have a quiet and respectful houseguest!!