Same day reservation request with pending payment

Level 7
Ensenada, Mexico

Same day reservation request with pending payment

My guest booked our house for 2 nights only 1 hr before our cutoff time. His card didn't go through so he now had 24 hrs to pay. He sent a message that he would try the next day. In the meantime my calendar was blocked for both nights. He never responsed or paid yet my unit was blocked and I lost both nights including a popular Friday night. I understand allowing time for a guest to pay.....except if such short notice! The "system" needs to be changed! Airbnb said its just the system...the rep couldn't even explain why it just is!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Adrianna2 There is reason his card was not approved and he may very well know this about the loophole on both AirBnB and HA/VRBO or he got ticked off when no payment method he tried worked and went to a hotel. A nice CS person helped me and explained how to book it. I use this method all the time to do a sameday booking because after a certain time anywhere from 24 hours before check in time for credit cards and after check in time for PayPal AirBnB and HA/VRBO will not authorize payment, so they have to book for 24-48 hours later and I go in and alter the date to sameday after the charge has been approved. Here’s how to alter it below on AirBnB.

Change this reservation
Go to Your Reservations on airbnb
Click Change or Cancel next to the reservation you want to change
Choose Change Reservation (Adjust the date)
Click Submit Alteration
Then the guest accepts your request and all are happy.