Scam listings in Greymouth

Level 1
Greymouth, New Zealand

Scam listings in Greymouth

There are three new listings in the town I live (Greymouth, New Zealand).  All of these have a flower in the name of the listing.  The photos of the properties are poor quality and are highly pixellated.  None of the listings show any exterior photos.  The three listings each have a different host.  All of these people show the United States as their home.  The house rules for the three properties are identical.  I met a couple today who were looking for one of the properties.  The address they were given (45-47 Guinness Street, Greymouth) is the address for the town's Police Station.  The listing is a scam as it does not exist.  How do I report these listings to AirBnB?  They are not giving local hosts a good name. 

2 Replies 2

You need to go to the properties and flag them.  Then go to the hosts that have them listed and flag them.  Post the links to the properties and/or hosts here so we can alert a moderator of a scam too.  

Thanks for your reply.  The listings have now been removed from AirBnB.