Service fee

Level 1
Bega, Australia

Service fee

Hello - I can see the service fee when I receive a booking but when Airbnb pay the amount there is less again. I have a guest currently and after the service fee I should receive $2,179 AUD. When the amount arrives in my Paypal account it is $1,981. It could be local taxes but I cannot work out how to see where this is listed. Thanks in advance. Vick

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello  @Vickie,

Did you check your Transaction History pages to see what is actually paid out by Airbnb ?

if it says 2179,- probably the payout method (Paypal) is nibbling at your earnings..

BTW In your listing are no local taxes charged by Airbnb .

Best regards, Emiel


Level 10
Albuquerque, NM

Paypal is definitely taking a cut. You can login to your Paypal account to see exactly how much they took out.  You can also download your payment history on Airbnb to see what all was taken out of your payment.