Should I ask my guests to leave a review?

Level 10
Rhinebeck, NY

Should I ask my guests to leave a review?

I'm new to Airbnb and just had my first two bookings, back to back. Both parties were lovely, and I have written them both positive 5 star reviews.  I understand that reviews are not posted until both parties have written, which I think is an excellent policy, so that one review is not influencing the other.  


My question is - is it appropriate to ask a guest to leave a review after their stay has ended?  


As a new host, I am well aware of the importance of reviews.  I would like to send a thank you to each party after their stay, and include a request to leave a review.  


Does anyone do such a thing, and is it considered appropriate and customary?


Thank you so much!



25 Replies 25

Thank you, Clare, for clarifying!  You confirmed how I thought it all worked.


Both of my guests had lovely things to say as they were leaving.  I'll keep my fingers crossed that they're still planning on leaving a review.


Appreciate your help!



Level 1
Leiden, Netherlands



We always ask any guest for a review. They always give a very positive reation (and review)


Dennis & Renate

Level 2
Coeur d'Alene, ID

How can I send a link to my previous guest that just sent me a message saying, she can no longer leave a review, but would if she could, that she forgot.

@Debi13 The short answer to your question is that once the 14 day review period has ended  no one can write a review.  That said, you can ask the guest to write a reference which is like a review but there are no star ratings and references are not listed with regular reviews.

Here's a link that explains how references work :


I hope this helps somewhat!



Level 2
Mt Pleasant, SC

I'm new as a host, and it was important to me to get good reviews from the earliest guests so I could earn those 5 stars. I had worked hard making the house comfortable and was friendly, informative and accessible to the guests before and during their stay.

A few days before arrival, I send them local information and information on the house and using the lockbox. I live in a different town but have a reliable local person to clean and help if there's a problem. I send a message to them the day before or the day of arrival, asking them to text me after they've gotten into the house and checked to make sure everything was to their liking. Also, for them to contact me or the local person if they have any questions.

After check-out time, I always send a message to the guests thanking them for choosing my house for their stay. I ask how their stay was and to please let me know, whenever they have time, of any suggestions they have for a more enjoyable stay next time. Then I tell them that airbnb will be sending them an email asking them to review their stay. I ask them to give a "great" review within the next few days if their stay was positive.

I work hard all during the process to make my guests comfortable and informed and I don't see anything wrong with asking for a review. All 5 guests so far have been great and some have given me suggestions, which I'll definitely consider implementing. So far, I've been very pleased with my guests and I think they've been very pleased, too. 


I am new to Airbnb and have only had 2 guests so far.  The first stayed a month and I bent over backwards for them.  I gave them a huge discount, gifts, took them sightseeing, etc.  They did not give a review. They told me I was wonderful and they loved my house, but no review! Ugh!  I did send them a request for a review 1 week after their stay, and again 10 days after their stay.  I just wrote, "I was happy to host you during your stay.  Can you please leave me a review?" Nothing!


The next guest stayed one night, the place was spotless, I left her a fruit basket, card and flowers.  I let her check in 7 hours early and check out 3 hours late. She brought 4 extra people that she did not mention when she booked,  and had a party, leaving sangria all over the furniture and floor.  She wrote me a nice review, gave 5 stars for everything except value (3 stars) then gave me an overall score of 3. I wrote and asked what I could have done to make her experience better.  She said "Nothing, it was great, I loved your place and you were great." So I asked why she gave a low score. She said she didn't realize a 3 was low. This is very frustrating since it is my first review.

This is annoying indeed. Some guests don't seem to appreciate the added value that we provide them as hosts. What I dislike most is when my review is treated like a hotel review. Which is unfair. A person can't realistically expect a hotel like experience when paying 10..20% of the price. 

The exact same situation has happened to me. My place looks like a hotel room but I only stay there 3 days out of the week. So, if there is a smudge on the refrigerator they give a 3 star review. **bleep**. Can't believe they expect a hotel room.

Level 3
Orlando, FL

I always ask for a review in my thanks message (note)  at the end of the guest stay. 

it's not bad to make them a friendly reminder to leave a review, at the end we get more bookings with the reviews. And we live from bookings !!! 



Level 2

I am a new host, all your comments here are very helpful. Thank you to every one.

Level 2
Monticello, FL

I do ask for reviews, I also provide a comment card with adding their e-mail so that I can send them a personal thank you. I always ask for a review online with them. I also ask on comment card for them to let me know if I need anything added to our little home. I do leave little thank you notes or cards for the booking. I have had multiple re-booking by doing the simple things.