The new criteria for Super Host ratings is a cruel thing to do to loyal long time SH!

Level 10
New York, NY

The new criteria for Super Host ratings is a cruel thing to do to loyal long time SH!

I will have to focus on the wrong things. Spend more time vetting potential guests. Maybe have to decline more people. My focus will shift to making sure I don't get some crazy who won't give me a bad star rating because I wouldn't run out and get them laundry detergent, come in the middle of the night and work the TV remote even though instuctions are there, or because they didn't read my listing and expected something else. This is really wrong. Richard on youtube said a new era of treating host like people on Airbnb is finally here. No, I think he didn't get the memo on this one. This is crazy. If some Boardline Personality person tells me everything is wonderful and then gives me a 3 for Overall Experience right before the end of the ratings period, how am I supposed to get all the bookings I need to get back up to 4.8?  Please don't do this on top of it! I know a lot of people agree w me. This is no way to thank your loyal hosts. Also, if someone is going to give less that a 5 in any category, they should have to explain why, like we have to explain why we don't want "Smart Pricing" or why we are declining a guest. I can assure you, I will be declining a lot more if you implement this new system. And for Value if they give less than a 5, they should be warned they will never be able to book the property again, even when the price goes down. They should be told to look for cheaper properties. As for Location, same thing and tell them to read the listing.

102 Replies 102
Level 10
New York, NY

@Lizzie- I want to start a conversation about, "why the math for the new super host criteria is being hidden? ". However, the system will not let me. How can I do this?  Or why isn't the math publicized? We should all know that it isn't really going to make it easier for us. Just like 48 hours cancellation isn't going to make it easier either.  BC says the old math was too hard to understand. What is hard to understand about 80% 5 star reviews? The new system is much harder for people to understand. Easier for the person who is not well intentioned to realize they have a lot of power to ruin things for you. 

Level 10
New York, NY

João Pedro
João Pedro-you might try posting in or I got about 1/2 of what they owed me that way. In order to get it all, I filed a claim w the AAA. They owed me money for different claims and unethical things they had done. Unfortunately, I was nice and let everything be rolled into one claim. If I had known the nonsense that was coming, I would not have been so nice. No good deed goes unpunished. It cost them $1500 per claim so I saved them money. Good you have a lawyer. Don't talk to theirs. I can tell you what pitfalls to avoid, but I'm sure your lawyer knows. Only do one claim at a time. Don't be nice, they will take advantage. 
Level 10
New York, NY

@Lizzie- This is the other thread for which I was asking for the link. Sorry for the confusion! I got it now.

Level 10
New York, NY

I wanted to post a new thread asking why the math for the new super host criteria isn't publized. When I clicked start new thread or whatever it is, I was told that I wasn't qualified or something to that affect? Is it because my illusion of Airbnb was shattered long ago?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Aw gotcha now @Ann10, glad we have got that all sorted. 🙂


Sorry to hear you are having trouble posting a new topic, a few people have been mentioning difficulties with this at some times and we are trying with our tech team to work out why this might be happening. There shouldn't be any problem with starting a new topic, so perhaps if you receive an error message, please just try refreshing the page (copying the text if you have written it in the text box) and seeing if this might work. If not, please let me know more details on this. 

Fingers crossed. 





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Level 10
New York, NY

@Lizzie- Thank you!

Level 10
New York, NY

Rebecca- I tried to find this-'Guest Requirements' Custom Questions feature, in the search bar in the help section and I couldn't find it. Can you pls tell me where this is?

@Ann10 Go to the Booking Policies page; click on Edit Guest Requirements. Then Edit Guest's Trip Information. That's where you can add custom questions.



Level 3
Calgary, Canada

Can SOMEONE please start a petition??

Currently have a guest blackmailing for a refund (his girlfriend got her period and they didnt want to stay) is the excuse. Threatened a bad review...there SH status according to the new policy. 

Zappa, Please weigh in on the 'Introducing Superhost Week' thread in the airbnb updates section, it is written by a what is apparently the new Host Success manager at Airbnb, and ignores all our regular complaints to make themselves look good with the new hosts.  You will see all level 1 and 2 postings in there, probably they should hear from the regulars.

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Zappa0 - I hear about this happening more and more. Flat out extortion. Which is AGAINST Airbnb's Terms of Service, of course. So, how will Airbnb honor and enforce this, and protect you, a supposedly valuable and respected Super Host? Please keep us posted, I really hope you are spared this act of unfairness and that Airbnb does the right thing.

Level 10
Pamplemousses, Mauritius

@Ann10 The reason that Airbnb is changing it's criteria concerning the Superhost program is simply because there are too many of them on the network.Just look at the community itself there are probably most Superhosts than ever.For those who will lose the badge remember that it is not the end of the world and that they still earn their title back.Good luck and happy hosting!!!

They could at least be honest about it. Almost everyone will lost their status.

howdy! I'm here to grumble and comiserate. i'm a SH for over a year.


in my last quarter, i had 2 x 1 stars from a guest who was drunk nearly 2 weeks, and another who refused to leave my home despite having pneumonia.


i also had 2 x 4 stars from newbies.


I went from 96 percent to barely hanging on at 88. 


i also got several last minute bookings that asked to extend. They were all 5 star. I extended them as separate bookings. Voila.




By God's grace, i got a run of amazing guests at the end who kept extending by the day.