excessive showering/water usage - USA

Level 2
Ames, IA

excessive showering/water usage - USA

I am a new host.  We rent out our guest room and the bathroom is next to our master bedroom.  I'm trying to get over timing our guests shower's but it's really hard.  Would I be in line to ask guests to keep their showers to 1 per day per guest and under 10 minutes?  5 minutes would be preferable :). 


This morning, my guest (a college student) was in the shower for 20 minutes. And before she even got in, she started the shower, than walked back and forth between the bathroom and bedroom for a couple minutes. Urrgghh!


I also had a guest who would shower at night, run in the morning and take another shower after his run.... then shower again that night.


How do you handle these situations?  Just chalk up to renting woes and get on with things?  I am so aware of how much water we waste on a daily basis and would like to encourage my guests to be aware, also. 


33 Replies 33

I been reading the post about excesive showering,i had a few gest that do take advantage because they are paying,i had occasions that some gest leave the bathroom with paddles of water...i had to tell gest in the future to mop up...about the length of showering its annoying and expensive,i will consider putting a low shower head...i shower sometimes twice a day but each shower is 20mts/15mts...but i gess people have different up bringing...

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom


There is a section under amenities which is amenity limitations to use .


You can write in a short sentence describing your shower and water limitations.


Also good for listings where there is limited WIFI use, as it lets the guest know well beforehand and no nasty surprises which only lead to grief later on. 


Really struggling with this.


I have a very long term guest taking 2 longer showers a day, going through a roll of toilet paper a day, and cooking this good awful thing involving a dozen eggs in the microwave. 

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


I had this situation where guests would take 30 minute showers .......really, who needs to stand under a shower for 30 minutes! But I think the phylosophy is...."I am paying for it I might as well use it"! 

In those days I used an instantaneous gas mains pressure water heater so, as long as the guest spent time in there, this thing would keep on pouring out the hot water.....bad move!

Eighteen months ago I put in an 80 Litre (21 gallon) mains pressure electric HWS which gives about 12 minutes of mains pressure hot water before the temperature begins to cool off. I still have the gas unit there as a back up but, I don't have guests abusing the hot water any more. And most of them start to feel guilty when they have been in there for ten minutes, they sort of expect that the resource is not limitless and they accept it fine. In 15 minutes the unit is back up to hot water again but it saves on a lot of waste.

