negative review not on guest profile.

Level 1
Darwin, Australia

negative review not on guest profile.

Hello I hope I'm in the right group.  I had a guest that stayed at my place for 10 days.  As far as I was aware she had no complaint regarding anything.  As a result I left her a positive review.  Unfortunately she left a negative review which she did not discuss with me.    Many of which if she had read my profile she would had been made aware of it.  Also if she had I would had been able to resolved her complaint for her.  I was able to provide my feedback about this person but unfortunately it does not appear on this person profile as Airbnb only allow me have this on my profile.  Also  I had checked on the Airbnb app on the mobile and all I was able to see is the comment that this person made but not my response to her negative review.



I am just a bit concerns as this will allow her to abuse her position and I am not able to warn other about this behaviour and that the app doesn't allow my comment to her review to other potiental guests.


I understand that Airbnb does not allow the review to be commented after the review stages had been completed but I feel that my response to her review should been allowed on her page.


Can anyone suggest what I can do here.




4 Replies 4
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Was this Laura? I noticed you left an extremely long-winded response which actually attracts more attention than what is visible to the quick eye at a glance. Next time try to keep it to not more than several professional sentences without disecting the situation.


If it was another guest, it may be possible that if they left their review in their native language that it is moved further down in your list of reviews, but topmost when choosing the web page for their particular language. 


Hope that helps.

Hi Andrea.


Thanks for your response.  Yes it was Laura.  I was just so upset and angry at her behaviour.  I just feel that other host should be aware of her behaviour and that she is willing to make a complaint online without discussing the issue with the host first. 


You mentioned, 

If it was another guest, it may be possible that if they left their review in their native language that it is moved further down in your list of reviews, but topmost when choosing the web page for their particular language.


Im not sure what you mean.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Never respond right away in anger. What and how you write leaves an indelible impression to potential guests of you as a host.

Here are some professional pointers:

Still means you can comment on the situation, but not sounding petty.


Foreign language review:

I had a guest a while back who wrote in Portugese. When I looked at my listing in that language it was right there on top, actually still is. But buried way down on the English page. 

Try it out - see what your listing looks like in different languages 😉


"If it was another guest, it may be possible that if they left their review in their native language that it is moved further down in your list of reviews, but topmost when choosing the web page for their particular language."

I recently had Portuguese guests and they left their review in Portuguese.  When the English speaking community look at my listing this review is moved to the bottom of the list.  If someone in Brazil or Portugal take a look at my lisitng in their native language, this very review will show at the top.  

It is best not to respond when upset - better to sleep on it and leave a factual response.  A lengthy and emotional response could leave the impression that you are not very professional and it also draws attention to the not so good review.  Such things tend to backfire.