pay out preferences

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

pay out preferences

hello, i put in my payout details and i cant go back and see what i put in, is this correct? sorry, new to airbnb.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Amanda332,


Yes that is correct, you can't go back and check the details such as address, name, full account number.


It will take a few days for the patout method you entered to be verified by Airbnb. When it is verified and ready to accept payouts from Airbnb then the status will be set to "Ready".


If it's more than about 5 working days and the status is still not "Ready" then you should contact Airbnb support.


You could go through the process to add a new payout method, wait for it to be "Ready", mark it as the default method and then delete the old method.

