Blank out my calendar or snooze my listing ?

Level 1
Sandhurst, Australia

Blank out my calendar or snooze my listing ?

Hi All , have been doing this for a while now as a host and have really enjoyed it .

I had signed up for Instant book , and circumstances meant I had to cancel 2 bookings .

I dont want to get these numbers up .. So how do I do the above if the situation arises again ?

Your help would be appreciated  .    Regards     David 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Can you disable Instant Book? Otherwise block the calendar, or snooze the listing like you suggest. Cancelling is never a good idea.

Level 10
Strathpeffer, United Kingdom

@David524 While the listing is snoozed you will not received enquiries or appear in searches.


On a PC/laptop go to the calendar and in the menu down at the bottom where it says Listed change it to Snoozed. You will be asked to enter the start and end dates and will get an email 24 hours before the snooze ends to remind you that the listing is going live again.


On the smartphone app go to Listings, select the room then scroll all the way to the bottom to the "Manage" section wher eit will say "Listed". Tap that and select "Snoozed" then enter the start and end dates.