Hello guys,
i am with airbnb quite a while and so far it was my favourite channel to rent out my place. Recently i am bit dissapointed because travelers seem to use it more and more as possibility to find cheap rooms and not even send a simple Hello before booking...
Anyway, thats a different story.
What i would like to ask you is if you have made similar experinces in the following case:
I had a problem with a guest who caused some damage during their stay. During their stay i informed airbnb already that something is going wrong. They told me i have to talk with the guest. I always try to speak with the guest first...
The guest refused to pay and then simply ran away during the check-out...
I opened a mediation topic...
Since the guest denied to accept i escalated to airbnb...
3 days nothing.
Then in the morning an email that i would need to upload invoices, and pictures and so on...
I answered that i will have to do it 2 weeks later because i am on a trip and dont have those documents with me...
A couple of hours later, airbnb wrote me that they cannot wait so long, and as compromise, i will get the money the guest proposed (which is less than 50% of the damage)...
I answered that i am really unhappy with this, because i was not asked at all, and not informed that there had been a due date for providing those documents...
I asked to please let me talk with the supervisor...
He said, it had been already seen by his supervisor
i said, i want to speak with him...
He said he doesnt have a manager...!!!
So, this is basically what happened, and after that i deactivated in the first step my inserates, because i am not sure if my property is still safe with airbnb. I lost the trust in airbnb...
Its not about the money, because in this case we are speaking about a few Dollar. But what happens, if the next time a guest cause serious damage...?
And that the airbnb service employee refuses more than once to put me in touch with his manager is really irritating...
Looking for your feedback