In Australia there have been only 21 cases of covid-19 in last 7 days and more importantly, we are regarded as one of the world's best countries for containing the virus. So, I'm thinking maybe I can share my two bedroom unit again with Air Bnb guests, especially since I'm not getting as much work these days. I live in Melbourne, Victoria, where there is 10% community transmission.
I would like advice on how to modify my listing to make it appropriate for the current circumstances.
I have the following ideas:
- Express a preference for guests to install the Australian Government CovidSafe app on their mobile phone (I don't think legally I can make them do this).
- Request they try to keep 1.5 metres distancing at all times (but also acknowledging that it may not be possible to always do this).
- Make it clear that they are free to use my soap as much as they like to wash their hands.
- Spray food grade hydrogen peroxide (which kills viruses) on kitchen counter top and door knobs daily and make it clear they are free to use my supply for this purpose as much as they feel appropriate.
On the issue of soap, I use expensive goat soap because I get a rash on my hands otherwise. Is it reasonable to buy cheaper soap for them to use and ask them to use that instead? Or does it make me look like a cheapskate and not a good idea because it can't be enforced any way?
I don't think I want to wear a face mask in my own home or ask the guest to wear one, or to wear gloves or anything extreme like that. I want to strike the right balance between reasonable precautions and not creating too much work and hassle for both myself and the guest.
I want guests to feel safe and myself to feel safe but not put people off either.
Since I live in the outer eastern suburb of Ringwood I need to keep my price low, so I don't want to spend too much money on any of this.
Any ideas on what else I could do or feedback on my suggestions would be greatly appreciated.