Airbnb in Napa

Airbnb in Napa

Hi Community. We have been thinking about getting a vacation home in Napa and renting it out once in a while. I wonder if anyone has any experience doing that and if the city is ever given issues considering it will be an unpermitted STR. We'll likely be using it every weekend and renting it out some weekdays. Let me know if you have any thoughts!

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Penngrove, CA

dont mess with not getting a permit as at some point it will bite you in the ass.

check with your city planning to see what is allowed in your area


or, rent only to family and friends and accept the liability if something happens 

Hi @Basha0,. We're not planning to apply for a permit because it's not worth it financially. Do you have insights on how to start renting to family and (extended) friends?

in a place like Napa  you will have a huge issue if neighbors find out. I cannot recommend proceeding without a permit

Hi @Rosa210! it looks like Napa is extremely strict about permitting as on their town website it states they only allow 41 permits (for entire house rentals and 60 for shared property rentals) in the town and currently have a waitlist of people. That must be tough! Are you on the waitlist? It looks like the permits are transferrable and would likely increase the value of your property if you were to have one. 
It would certainly be a risk to operate without a permit. If you want to get some more information about market insights for Napa, let’s connect. Thanks! 



Hi @Heather1967. We're not planning to apply for a permit because it's not worth it financially. We're just planning on doing something super casual. But yes, please let's connect!