Last Thursday I received a reservation which then immediate...
Last Thursday I received a reservation which then immediately was cancelled and message was blocked . Shortly after that I r...
Hello, I am reasonably new to Airbnb and all was going well until it came to releasing my payouts. To minimise bank transfer charges I set a minimum amount which was reached on 7 March. I waited the required day but it never came. I contacted Airbnb Support on 15 March and they've been "looking into it" ever since. Initially, there were encouraging replies to my enquiries, promising that all was being done to resolve the situation, these past 4 days, however, they have gone silent and are not responding at all.
I was horrified, searching this community, to find that it is not an uncommon occurrence. Please, how have others had their issue resolved? How do I get them to send my payout? By the way, my account is all in order - I had this much confirmed to me by Airbnb Support on 15 March ("I have analysed your account with my team and everything seems to be ok, I cannot find any glitch present and all the information seems to be provided and verified by you.").
Please if anyone can help I would be most grateful. Airbnb is holding a lot of money which is rightfully mine.
With thanks
Payout issues can take some time to resolve. Airbnb CS can not solve it themself, but forward the issue to the financial department. The status if the payout(s) can be checked in Transaction History and ofcourse a payout method must be active. This community can not relaease your payouts, so you must keep in contact with Airbnb. If support-tickets are closed, open a new one. Or try Airbnb on Twitter (account AirbnbHelp)
@Emiel1 'Payout 'issues' shouldn't take 'a long time' to resolve.
And how do you define 'a long time'? Is six weeks a short time in your dictionary to wait to get paid for a 28 night stay?
Is 2, 5 or 10 weeks a short time in your dictionary to get paid by Western Union seeing Airbnb sends tens of thousands of payments and refunds by Western Union every month and so it has preferential corporate client status?
You are cheerleading for a system that is failing many people.
Do you think I and hundreds like me would be wasting hours every week describing our predicament if we didn't have one?!
I'm with you. I've tweeted, called customer service to follow up on "the open ticket" along with being told it's being handled by a "department that can help." They assigned an ambassador who didn't call or respond to messages. I'm currently owed over 4K and counting. I took both listings offline and now exploring my options.
ı live same issue, ı wrote support team, ı called but they always says we will turn to you as soon as possible but they never turn. ı want to close my account but airbnb blocked my 1200$. ı am very dissapointment and hopeless:(
Hi @Daniela2001,
Thanks for taking the time to reach out, and sorry to hear you’re having trouble with some of your payouts! I’ve shared it with the appropriate team on my end and they're currently reviewing the issue. As and when I get more info, I'll let you know. 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
I am waiting for payment for 6 weeks and nothing reached me due to real or imaginary glitches to the system.
I advise you to read what I wrote and alert the Airbnb system (if this company can even be termed so) that CS hasn't provided me with any solutions and that they should ask themselves what they have to gain from frustrated hosts such as myself.
Hello Emilie ,
As I see you are an 'online community manager ' which I assume means you are paid to browse the comments on the Community Center and try to provide solutions
I am not paid for a 28 night stay in my villa that commenced on the 3rd March 2022 and was completed successfully on the 31st March 2022.
Airbnb didn't send a cent of the thousands of dollars owed to me despite that I have a verified default payout method on my hosting profile and that I have 14 tickets with the useless Airbnb 'support' team.
My guests even contacted Airbnb on the 24th day of their stay and asked why I was still not paid (I revealed to them this fact when we were discussing the holiday rental market and they insisted to do their part and voiced their disappointment to Airbnb in writing that their host is still not paid.
Is delaying payouts for two, three, six twelve months now standard practice at Airbnb?
@Summit-View0 Unfortunately I am not part of the Support team, so even though I want to do my very best to help, my hands are somewhat tied as I do not have access to your account to see what the issue is here.
I know my colleague @Sybe pinged the team for you in regards to this problem, we will chase them again to try and help get things moving along. If Sybe or myself get any more information, we will let you know!
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Same thing with me…. I’m a four time Superhost but Airbnb never pay me until the guest has left,.
i am never paid by Airbnb until well after stays have ended. Hotels would never expect to paid after their guests have left.
My view is that Airbnb cost centres are doing some ‘creative accounting’ with the held back payments to make their bottom line look very attractive to investors.
Eg if you show revenue without details you can get away showing guests payments and hosts payments as a holistic amount. This is effectively doubling company turnover during a given time scale —- that is on Q1/2/3/4 balance sheets.
This twists the truth for investors and crucially pushes up share value.
The upshot is that this workaround in terms of lengthy payments paid to hosts while never stop as it’s too good a thing for Airbnb to end it…..
it’s not exactly corrupt, but it’s morally reprehensible and shows that it doesn’t care about its hosts,
@Emilie I am also waiting for payouts, I have submitted all the relevent KYC documents and still nothing. I am shocked and appalled with Airbnb and I am getting a legal team involved in this. I am redirecting all my business away to as I have never had an issue with them.
Hello @Daniela2001
Welcome to the sad club of victims of Airbnb online piracy.
I own a brand new 400 sq meter Villa plus swimming pool and I welcomed my first guests for a 28 night stay on the 3rd March 2022.
Eager to kick-start what I hoped would be a long and mutually beneficial relationship with Airbnb I offered the villa at a rock bottom price that barely covers my fixed costs.
Despite that the stay was completed successfully and despite that I have uploaded FIVE payout methods so far of which four were totally correct, legit and verified by the Airbnb system I still didn't get the thousands of dollars payment due to me.
Seven or eight customer service representatives or whatever title the system gives them were in touch with me. Some by phone, others by messaging...
They all confessed there is a glitch in the system and that whenever I get a payout method verified it seems to revert to the initial payout method which indeed could not go through.
They say their 'IT specialists' are working on fixing the real or imaginary glitch but hey it is 2022 and Airbnb is a multi billion dollar company.. if anyone believes these random glitches and 'technical issues' are not intentional I happen to own a planet in the milky way I will gladly sell them for a million bucks.
My cousin lives in Australia and we are in touch every day.
She uses the Airbnb system a lot and is (to put it very mildly) unimpressed by what I as a new home owner am going through.
She has a couple of Airbnb bookings (she is a guest not a host) into the future and she told me she will never use Airbnb again based on my experience.
In fact she told me she will take revenge on Airbnb if they continue to drag their feet and let's face it I wasted 50 hours of my time in the last 5 weeks and am deprived of thousands of dollars under dubious excuses so perhaps she has a right to feel the way she does.
I told her Airbnb hosts are not responsible for the pathetic state of affairs at Airbnb (delayed and missing payments, incompetent customer service that despite being friendly has its hands tied to provide any solutions, glitches galore and an app and website fill of idiotic cartoons but full of errors and 100% not user friendly...) but she is hot headed and says Airbnb has a policy of compensating hosts for damages so if this goes on she will take revenge.
I am not threatening Airbnb in any way.
I am simply dedicating my precious time to describe a reality in which thousands of people in the 'airbnb community' and tens of thousands of their relatives and friends have deep and often justified grudges against Airbnb and that any of these individuals could land in your living room as guests.
This is the reality of Airbnb in 2022.
have you had a response and had your issue fixed ?
We have had similar issues with Airbnb in 2022 we have always been payed on time since 2016 then this year nothing is coming through. We have had 7 stays at our houses in Greece. The first payment came through, but know for the last six weeks nothing is coming through. They know it is a glitch in their system, and tell us it will be fixed in a couple days whenever we talk to them but then nothing happens. We also have a friend who also hosts in Greece who also hasn't been payed. What is Airbnb doing?