Airbnb photo team not paying me for services and the pictures still under review.

Level 2
M, Germany

Airbnb photo team not paying me for services and the pictures still under review.


Hello everyone,
Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I have the same problem. I have been waiting to be paid for a while.

I have sent many emails and always received the same answer. That I don't have to worry that once the images are reviewed I will get paid.

I hope you guys can help me hier:

@Lydia544 , @David8446@Quincy

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Fe17 ,


Since it has been a while, did you get to have any updates regarding this situation? 

Although this article is for the Host side, I thought some information about how the photos are reviewed and how much time the process takes, might help understand the delay in your payments:



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Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Fe17 ,


Since it has been a while, did you get to have any updates regarding this situation? 

Although this article is for the Host side, I thought some information about how the photos are reviewed and how much time the process takes, might help understand the delay in your payments:



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