Benefits of linking a website to airbnb

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Benefits of linking a website to airbnb


I'm looking to have a website for my property & I was wondering what the benefits of linking it to Airbnb would be? Can anyone give advice about this.

Thank you 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Then link to your homepage (and upload a coverphoto to it):


(maybe change ".com" to your local Airbnb like "")


Or use the "embed" html, shown when clicking on "share" at top of a listing


Or create/use a "custom link", to be found in your listing when managing it.




Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Thank you, my question was more about is it beneficial to have a website linked to airbnb rather than how do I link it!