Bookings in London

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Bookings in London

Hi, I havent had a single enquiry for July have bookings gone down?  This is generally in London and particularly London N17.  Usually I'm always booked up.


Any feedback welcome.



1 Reply 1
Level 2
Hollywood, FL

@Shirley15 May be it’s due to recent events with flights cancellations due to computer outages  ? For my location  July is the slowest . Also I want to mention during my 15 years of Airbnb’s I sometimes had surprise months when I was supposed to be bombarded with inquiries and bookings, that were completely dead . As an example was 2022 winter specifically February and March which is the pick of the season here . 4 months of winter would bring me 80% of my yearly income . While I was moderately rented in January February and beginning of March second half of March my 2 houses had  no bookings . I had some weak inquiries offering half of my asking price. We were traveling cross country to see our first grandchild and we stayed in nice hotels in anticipation of all these rental money coming in . End of March I reduced price by 30% , still nothing . In April when in previous years it was still moderately busy month I reduced price almost 40% . Still nothing . We came home from our trip out of 20k we were anticipating. I have been doing it long enough to kind of predict my income but not that year. Was huge disappointment. After that I started just renting by room with much more hassle and stress . We decided to try entire house when high season comes one more time and see what will happen .