Is It , Air bed AND BREAKFAST ?

Level 1
Tauranga, New Zealand

Is It , Air bed AND BREAKFAST ?

It seems that TOO MANY hosts are not supplying ANY breakfast . Minimum should be bread( for toast) butter and a preserve ( Jam or marmalade )  , or some cornflakes. I have recently been to 2 airbnbs and none were supplied, only tea /coffee.  Please can airbnb tell all hosts .


18 Replies 18
Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

We used to put loads of stuff in the fridge but too much was getting wasted, so we stopped, even milk guest dont like this milk they dont like that milk, 

I guess in a lot of countries serving food brings a whole load of regulations and would you need a license? basically you are operating as a B/B.

Would be the same with alcohol, I've seen host selling it,

Level 1
Oirschot, Netherlands

Het is eigenlijk airbed no Breakfast 

Air bed no Breakfast 

I too wondered about being a bad host by not offering a we put out oatmeal packets along with varied other wrapped  snacks/cereal type bars.  The oatmeal packets are rarely used by guests, but some do eat them and some guests have even traded/left us with oatmeal packets from another country/different language on packets.  Fun!? I also love to bake and guests are always gracious and thankful for a homemade treat like oatmeal cookies.