

There is some issue with my booking settings. I charge 750 per day for each 2 sharing room. So if anybody reserve for two guest then my charges will be 750 per day but if anyone book for 3 guest then they have to book 2 rooms and charges will be 1500 per day. But it still shows 750 per day. Somebody was trying to book for 10 guest for 10 days so my actual charges will be 750*5*10 that is 37500 but portal is showing 750*10 that is 7500. Please help me where i am wrong.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Rohan56  It isn't your settings that are wrong, it's the way you have listed.


You need to create a separate listing for each room. So if you have 10 rooms, you need 10 listings. If each room has one bed for 2 guests, that listing needs to say 1 bed, 2 guests.


On each listing, only have photos of that room (unless all the rooms look exactly alike), plus whatever communal areas there are. 


Then you can say in each listing description that it is a guest house and you have XX number of rooms for rent and that if guests need more than one room, to click on your profile to see the other room listings.

@Sarah977 hello mam! But in this case i have to make 24 listing (as i have 24 two sharing rooms) and if anybody searching for like 16 guest then my listing will not be shown though i can accomodate those people. My listing will be visible only to those people who searching for 2 people. 

@Rohan56  Yes, then you will have to make at least 24 listings. You can also make more- you can have a listing which includes 2 or 3 rooms and accommodates 4-6 guests. Then you have to link the calendars so if all 3 rooms get booked together, the individual listings for those rooms get blocked on your calendar.


There just isn't any way on Airbnb that you can have all 24 rooms on the same listing. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can use the duplicate funktion to create the listings.

If not already done: activate  "pro tools" in your account for managing multiple lististings more easilly.