Can anyone provide advice on appealing against listing removal?

Level 4
Omaha, NE

Can anyone provide advice on appealing against listing removal?

I made a big mistake thinking that a period of negative reviews would not effect my listing on AirBnB. My place was suspended one week ago and a few days later, after I had already made some significant changes based on the reviews. Unfortunately, during the suspension a guest, who gave me some good advice, ended up giving me a 3 star overall rating. That put my listing in queue to be removed in one month. 


Can anyone share their experience with this type of appeal to avoid deactivation and removal of a listing? My place is at a current 4.7 star average. I have purchased a new, larger bed and mattress,  had a gap in the ceiling repaired and painted  and purchased new linens and some furniture. I can and will do more if it will really make a difference. Guests always comment on how safe and friendly the neighborhood is and that the location is convenient. I don't charge a lot and am consistently booked. 


The good news is 2 guests who stayed after I was told my listing would be removed,  were very happy and gave me 5 stars but my 3rd and most recent guest did not communicate very much.  Do I  not review this silent guest? Because my experience in the past has been that people that don't respond are sometimes unhappy (if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all). Or, should I wait a few days and reach out again to the guest just to make sure that everything was great during his stay?

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lisa990 Classic customer service! Anyway your last 'appeal' seems to be successful so let's hope you will survive on Airbnb.

In my experience people still expect a gold purse at a sows ear price and rate accordingly. The more improvements you can make the better.


You could consider the following which we put in our 1 page apartment manual (after the safety/internet bits).


We hope you enjoyed your time with us and will leave a review on Airbnb. The Airbnb system is somewhat strange in that an average of 4.7 stars is ‘the level of performance that’s expected from hosts on Airbnb’.

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15 Replies 15

@Billy228 Wow, we just had a listing with 425 reviews and an aggregate review of 4.65 and 4.70 for 365 days that got permanently removed. We are in Puerto Rico, where the electricity grid is notoriously bad. Despite 4.70 for the last 365 days, we got two recent ratings under four stars. Many of our negative reviews stem from guests' experience with electricity, especially after the recent hurricane.  I also appealed with "what I thought was a very comprehensive appeal," and they almost immediately rejected it. 


Over the six years, a lot of effort has been made, and one hurricane season has whipped it all out.