Can anyone recommend good co-hosts in North London?

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Can anyone recommend good co-hosts in North London?

Hi, am looking for good co-hosts in North London. Have looked into agencies, but not that impressed, so looking for an individual preferably. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!

8 Replies 8
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi there @B117, I would recommend taking a look on our "Get Local" page as you might be able to find local Hosts/Co-Hosts. Also, please note that advertising on the Community Center is not allowed. 


I hope this helps.





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Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi there. I myself am situated in London and I am willing to Co-host your property. Not only will I just manage but looking after your property is also our top priority. We provide various other services too. If you are interested, feel free to reach out. 

Thank you.HNHOSTINGS-2.png

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @B117 


Try asking for recommendations on the London host group.


Most people posting here wanting to cohost have no experience as a host. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi everyone,

Adding new updates for the hosts referring to this older thread: You can also find a co-host available for certain regions through the Airbnb platform as well.

To learn more about the service, please feel free to refer to our guide: How to Find and Become an Experienced Co-Host on Airbnb? 

Thank you!




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
London, United Kingdom



whereabouts are you in North London?  I host in Archway and have been for almost two years.   Can I be of assistance?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

As they posted nearly two years ago @Brenda1365  I highly doubt they are still looking 🙂

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Yeah but you can all but try? 😂😂😂

plus I know there other Hots around me but no one communicates.  I sometimes have guests wanting to return and I am booked. I end up providing them with hotel information rather than alternative Airbnb accommodation.  So to be fair that was my main reason for reaching out.  



If you are still looking for a reliable cleaning company, I can recommend our company I work with and they are the best.