Changing Bank account details.

Level 2
Nambour, Australia

Changing Bank account details.

Can anyone help me - we have changed banks & our last booking went into our old bank.   I have tried unsuccessfuly as per instrustions to change our bank details.  Account Settings, Payout Preferences, Add Payment Method, enter address, Bank Transfer but when I go to Add Payment Method & press Next (to go to another site to change details) it always freezes & goes nowwhere.  I don't know what else to do as I have not heard from Airbnb because I know the money did not go into our account as it doesn't exist anymore.   I would be SO grateful for any advice.

1 Best Answer
Level 2
Glengowrie, Australia

I'm not sure if this will help but I've just spent a couple of hours trying to sort out how to change my bank account details to receive a payment from AirBnB (Called 'payout')

  1. Log on to  (in Australia you have to enter
  2. Click on the round circle with your photo in it up the top right hand corner, (after the words Add Listing, Host, Saved, Trips, Messages, Help)
  3. Click on Account
  4. Select Payments & Payouts 
  5. Just underneath the words Payments & Payouts, click on the tap PAYOUT (you should see a bank account listed there.)
  6. Now click on green button "ADD PAYOUT METHOD"
  7. Select your Billing Country/Region
  8. Select how you want to be paid.  (**Note**  I have only selected the BANK TRANSFER IN AUD so I'm unable to help with the others.)
  9. Click NEXT
  10. Under ADD BANK ACCOUNT INFO, select your BANK ACCOUNT TYPE (there are only 2 choices)
  11. Then fill in the new bank details, confirming twice your account number.
  12. Click NEXT
  13. Add the address that is with your bank for the bank account you have selected
  14. Click NEXT
  15. Now confirm all your information is correct.  
  16. Click on SUBMIT
  17. Back in PAYMENTS & PAYOUTS, you should see the new bank account (says PENDING) as well as your other bank account.  **NOTE** I will not delete the old bank account until I receive a payment into the new bank account.
  18. A message appeared saying it will take approximately 2 days for Airbnb to check/approve.
  19. I then received an email about 10 minutes later asking if I changed my banking details and to confirm that I did.
  20. After all that, I'm not sure how to delete the old bank account once the other one is up and running (if that happens!).  It's been a nightmare....thanks Airbnb!!!  But I hope this may help someone.

View Best Answer in original post

45 Replies 45
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

HI @Andrew321,


If you have added your new account details as a payout method, you should be able to delete the old one - this will ensure that your new payout method is the default. If you have already had a payout where you think the old payout details were used, I would suggest contacting Airbnb to check what has happened  - this Community Help Guide explains the best ways to contact them.


Hope that helps!



Hi Kirstie The airbnb site itself when you are old, isnt that easy to navigate, and even when asking google a question, it doesnt always yeild the right answer, wondering whether you could help me with this question....... which is a part of the original, after successfully entering my new bank details i cant seem to find a way to delete the old ones ,which are  with the same bank, so airbnb  wouldnt text me to send the money to a new bank and details , how can i just delete the old numbers from the same bank on my account details ?

Only way I could call them was asking Google for their Cust Serv number - it's 855-424-7262. Just held for 15 min, connected, held again and was cut off as supervisor came on, No call back.

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

Oh thank you so much JACKIE! Have pulled half my hair out already. Was worried that if I left the old bank details y money might dissappear!  Much appreciated. Linda

Thank you for posting this!  Air BNB is a joke when it come to customer service for the Hosts. 

Thank you. This was really helpful!

Not sure where u are but the instructions do not work in AUstralia! 

Hi Mary - sorry it didn't work for you - it worked for me - I live in Queensland. 

Basically Airbnb won't cancel your old bank account until your next payment

Need to change bank account details urgently - somebody contact me immediately please


We had this problem a while back.  Go to Account Settings - Payment preferences - add payment method - fill in your address - next - click bank transfer - next (this will direct you to another website to add new bank detials - you will be asked to verify via SMS or your phone no.   when you put your new bank details it will still leave your old bank details as main but when you get your next guest Airbnb will contact you via text or email to notify you that they were not able to place money in account.   They will then transfer it to your new bank account & this will then become the main account.   We closed our old bank account so this allowed this to happen.  Good Luck, I know how fustrating this is.

We had this problem a while back.  Go to Account Settings - Payment preferences - add payment method - fill in your address - next - click bank transfer - next (this will direct you to another website to add new bank detials - you will be asked to virify via SMS or your phone no.   when you put your new bank details it will still leave your old bank details as main but when you get your next guest Airbnb will contact you via text or email to notify you that they were not able to place money in account.   They will then transfer it to your new bank account & this will then become the main account.   We closed our old bank account so this allowed this to happen.  Good Luck, I know how fustrating this is.

Level 1
New South Wales, Australia

I also cant change bank details please help

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @SueAndTony0,


Sorry to hear you are experiencing an issue with this. Did you take a look at @Kirstie's reply above in this thread, as there are some tips there to resolve this?


I hope you get this sorted, let us know how you get on if you can. 🙂





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Can some one please help - How do we change bank account details?  We have a payment to receive and the old account does not exist.