Changing price and minimum stays during certain times of year

Level 2
Gettysburg, PA

Changing price and minimum stays during certain times of year



I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on how to I would like to increase my length of stay and increase  my pricing in the summer months and/or holiday weekends.


For instance, during President's weekend, I would like to make it a 5 night minimum, and I would also like to charge a little more.


Thanks!  Any information would be helpful.






1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



This goal can be achieved by several methods.

If you use "professional tools", you can create a rule set for this and apply it to the specific dates.


Otherwise you can set the minimum stay for a specific time period in section "trip length", "custom trip lenghts", "Add another requirement".


You can customize pricing directly in the calender for those dates.


When using a ruleset you can increase price with a percentage (not with "Smart Pricing" turned on)