@Ann72 Our city is convinced, I have no idea rightly or wrongly, that Airbnb is collecting their 6% occupancy tax but not paying it to them. We tried to get a straight answer from Airbnb when our permit renewal came up, but we got nothing useful let alone conclusive. Since the city wouldn't renew w/out the tax being paid, and insisted it had not yet been paid, we paid it. The city did suggest that we consider suing Airbnb for the tax $$, but we have not done that since we're still hoping it may get resolved one way or the other without the need for us to go to court as individuals.
@Mark4131 PS...you can go into the transaction history and there is a way to print out the total tax collected for every reservation, but it may not be broken out into individual taxes. This is what we sent to our city gov. and they were okay with it.